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All Rights Reserved
Highlight keywords:
Pastors |
Installed |
Removed |
Skinner, Rev. (acting) |
1807 - 1809 |
King, Rev. Mr. (acting) |
1807 - 1809 |
Leland, Rev Luther (acting) |
1809 - 1810 |
Leland, Rev Luther |
June 28, 1810 |
Died Nov 9, 1822 |
Case, Rev Lyman (acting) |
1822 - 1827 |
Marsh, Rev. Samuel (acting) |
1822 - 1827 |
Bradford, Rev. Samuel C. |
June 21, 1827 |
Dis. June 21, 1829 |
Gibb, Rev. Mr. (acting) |
1829 - 1832 |
Ide, Rev. George (acting) |
1829 - 1832 |
Robertson, Rev. James (acting) |
1832 - 1836 |
Baxter, Rev. E. B. (acting) |
1836 - 1838 |
Wheelock, Rev. Stephen M. (acting) |
1838 - 1840 |
Claggett, Rev. Wm. (acting) |
1840 - 1843 |
Twilight, Rev. Mr. (acting) |
1843 - 1849 |
Piper, Rev. Mr. (acting) |
1843 - 1849 |
Cutler, Rev. Ebenezer (acting) |
1843 - 1849 |
Lanphear, Rev. Orpheus T. |
Oct 24, 1849 |
Dis. May 24, 1855 |
Kellogg, Rev. E. M. (acting) |
Oct 1855 |
May 14, 1856 |
Fraser, Rev. John (acting) |
Oct 1856 |
May 27, 1863 |
Frink, Rev. B. M. (acting) |
Oct 31, 1863 |
May 14, 1865 |
Stone, Rev. James P. (acting) |
Oct 29, 1865 |
Sept 29, 1867 |
Rogers, Rev. John (acting) |
April 1, 1868 |
May 1, 1873 |
Hay, Rev. Jas. (acting) |
May 1, 1873 |
Oct 1, 1875 |
Kaley, Rev. John A. |
March 10, 1876 |
Dis. Jan 1, 1877 |
Butler, Rev G S. (acting) |
1877 - 1885 |
Kingsbury, Rev. J. W. (acting) |
1877 - 1885 |
Litch, Rev. J. L. (acting) |
1877 - 1885 |
Wood, Rev. Will C. (acting) |
1877 - 1885 |
Wild, Rev. E. P. (acting) |
1877 - 1885 |
Drisko, Rev. R. C. |
June 24, 1885 |
Deacons |
Elected |
Lyman, Elisha |
1807 - 1816 |
Greenleaf, James |
1810 - 1842 |
Spencer, Amasa |
1816 - 1827 |
Bangs, Heman |
1827 - 1831 |
Newcomb, Leonard |
1829 - 1842 |
Verbeck, William |
1841 - 1868 |
Benham, Nathan S. |
1840 - |
Adams, Charles |
1850 - 1856 |
Kelley, Daniel |
1857 - |
Allbee, Andrew J. |
1871 - |
Stewart, E. A. |
1871 - 1872 |
Holt, Parley O. |
1873 - 1881 |
Moran, Hollis A. |
1885 - |
Clerks |
Elected |
Newcomb, Luther M. D. |
1807 - 1829 |
Chandler, John G. |
1829 - 1841 |
Bates, Hon. Jacob |
1841 - 1844 |
Newcomb, Orem |
1844 - 1849 |
Lanphear, Rev. Orpheus T. |
1849 - 1855 |
Frost, Summer |
1855 - 1856 |
Kellogg, Rev. E. M. |
1856 - 1857 |
Fraser, Rev. John |
1857 - 1863 |
Frink, Rev. B. M. |
1863 - 1865 |
Stone, Rev. James R. |
1865 - 1868 |
Rogers, Rev. John |
1868 - 1871 |
Holt, E. B. |
1871 - 1877 |
Newcomb, Orem |
1877 - 1887 |
Barnes, Edson |
1887 - 1889 |
Members |
Joined |
Left |
Year |
Bangs, James (Stanstead) |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Dismissed |
1816 |
Bangs, Mrs. James (Stanstead) |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Dismissed |
1816 |
Lyman, Dea. Elisha |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Dismissed |
1816 |
Lyman, Mrs. Elisha |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Died |
1814 |
Greenleaf, Dea. James |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Died |
1842 |
Greenleaf, Mrs. James |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Dismissed |
1837 |
Vining, Freeman |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Died |
1813 |
Chapin, Luther (Newport) |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Died |
1815 |
Jones, Elisha (Newport) |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Died |
1816 |
Jones, Mrs. Elisha (Newport) |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Died |
1816 |
Bartlett, Christopher (Morgan) |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Dismissed |
1823 |
Wilcox, Nathan (Morgan) |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Dismissed |
1823 |
Benham, Sarah |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Died |
1825 |
Hinman, Phebe |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Died |
1858 |
Newcomb, Luther |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Died |
1831 |
Newcomb, Mrs. Luther |
Aug 9, 1807 |
Died |
1814 |
Spencer, Dea. Amasa |
1809 |
Dismissed |
1827 |
Spencer, Mrs. Amasa |
1809 |
Dismissed |
1827 |
Richards, Betsey |
1809 |
Withdrawn |
1819 |
Vilas, Deborah |
1809 |
Died |
Crosby, Mrs. Watson (Holland) |
1809 |
Dismissed |
1824 |
Cowell, Joseph (Holland) |
1810 |
Died |
1813 |
Vilas, Aaron |
1810 |
Died |
Paddock, Ellis |
1810 |
Dismissed |
1812 |
Pulford, Olive |
1810 |
Dismissed |
Corey, Mary |
1810 |
Died |
Wilcox, Deborah (Morgan) |
1810 |
Died |
1813 |
Greenleaf, Celinda |
1810 |
Died |
1854 |
Boardman, Nathaniel |
1810 by letter |
Died |
1815 |
Boardman, Mrs. Nathaniel |
1810 by letter |
Died |
Hildreth, James (Stanstead) |
1810 by letter |
Died |
1816 |
Cummings, Jotham (Morgan) |
1810 by letter |
Dismissed |
1823 |
Jenne, James |
1810 |
Died |
1816 |
Jenne, Mrs. James |
1810 |
Died |
1815 |
Wilcox, Elan (Morgan) |
1810 |
Died |
Wilcox, Mrs. Elan (Morgan) |
1810 |
Died |
1813 |
Elliott, Mary (Holland) |
1810 |
Dismissed |
1835 |
Bartlett, Anna (Morgan) |
1810 |
Died |
Vining, Eunice |
1812 |
Dismissed |
1813 |
Foss, Phebe |
1812 |
Died |
1816 |
Andrews, Lucy |
1812 |
Dismissed |
1820 |
Colby, Lucretia |
1812 |
Dismissed |
1818 |
Dustin, Hannah |
1812 |
Died |
1847 |
Ludden, Daniel (Stanstead) |
1814 by letter |
Dismissed |
1816 |
Ludden, Mrs. Daniel (Stanstead) |
1814 by letter |
Dismissed |
1816 |
Horn, Rachael |
1814 |
Died |
Blake, Samuel (Salem) |
1814 |
Died |
1874 |
Stockwell, Rebecca |
1814 |
Died |
Arnold, Lovisa |
1815 |
Dismissed |
1831 |
Wilcox, Thankful (Morgan) |
1815 |
Dismissed |
1823 |
Sias, Hannah |
1816 |
Died |
Blake, Nancy C. |
1816 |
Died |
Stewart, Mary |
1817 |
Died |
1841 |
Holt, Hannah |
1817 |
Died |
1839 |
Nelson, Lucena |
1817 |
Died |
1842 |
Wilcox, Lydia |
1817 |
Dismissed |
1823 |
Bartlett, Artemissa |
1817 |
Dismissed |
1823 |
Cobb, Asenath L. |
1817 |
Dismissed |
1828 |
Willey, Lucy |
1817 |
Died |
1821 |
Wilcox, Mrs. Martha |
1817 |
Dismissed |
1823 |
Cheney, Israel (Morgan) |
1817 |
Dismissed |
1823 |
Cheney, Mrs. Israel (Morgan) |
1817 |
Dismissed |
1823 |
Moon, William (Holland) |
1817 |
Dismissed |
1842 |
Moon, Mrs. William (Holland) |
1817 |
Dismissed |
1842 |
Hinman, Albert |
1817 |
Died |
1862 |
Hinman, Mrs. Albert |
1817 |
Died |
1852 |
Benham, Mary (Blake) |
1817 |
Died |
1822 |
Hibbard, Pliny |
1818 |
Dismissed |
1826 |
Nash, Clarissa |
1818 |
Dismissed |
1823 |
Senter, Isaac |
1819 by letter |
Died |
1834 |
Senter, Mrs. Isaac |
1819 by letter |
Dismissed |
1844 |
Robbins, Polly |
1819 by letter |
Died |
1830 |
Colby, Ralph |
1819 |
Died |
Hinman, Laura (Leland) Bingham |
1819 |
Died |
1877 |
Swetland, Lydia |
1819 |
Died |
1845 |
Larabe, Caroline |
1819 |
Died |
Allbee, Hannah |
1820 |
Withdrawn |
1841 |
Colby, Mrs. Ruth |
1821 |
Died |
1830 |
Colby, Mrs. Malinda |
1821 |
Died |
1842 |
Hall, Eunice |
1821 |
Died |
Brown, Waitey |
1821 |
Died |
1860 |
Burbank, Moses |
1821 |
Dismissed |
1823 |
Burbank, Mrs. Moses |
1821 |
Dismissed |
1823 |
Grow, Otis |
1824 |
Withdrawn |
Wilder, Olive |
1824 by letter |
Died |
1825 |
Grow, Ann |
1824 by letter |
Died |
1863 |
Bangs, Dea. Heman |
1824 |
Dismissed |
1833 |
Robbins, Isaac |
1824 |
Withdrawn |
Newcomb, Lucretia |
1825 |
Died |
1841 |
Newcomb, Dea. Leonard |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1844 |
Hinman, Timothy Jr. |
1825 |
Died |
1842 |
Colby, Emily (Kendall) |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1832 |
Wheeler, Sarah |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1830 |
Camp, David M. |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1853 |
Camp, Sarepta |
1825 |
Died |
1852 |
Davis, Elijah |
1825 by letter |
Died |
1834 |
Davis, Mrs. Elijah |
1825 by letter |
Died |
1860 |
Bates, Sylvanus |
1825 |
Withdrawn |
1844 |
Bates, Mrs. Sylvanus |
1825 |
Died |
1845 |
Curtis, Lyman C. |
1825 by letter |
Withdrawn |
Cheney, Samuel |
1825 |
Died |
1829 |
Cheney, Mrs. Samuel |
1825 |
Died |
1857 |
Verback, Dea. William |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1865 |
Verback, Mrs. William |
1825 |
Died |
1864 |
Mero, Horace |
1825 |
Died |
1873 |
Benham, Japheth |
1825 |
Died |
1856 |
Curtis, Sarah |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1836 |
Allbee, Fanny |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1829 |
Colby, Nehemiah |
1825 |
Withdrawn |
1857 |
Gould, Ebenezer |
1825 |
Withdrawn |
1831 |
Gould, Mrs. Ebenezer |
1825 |
Died |
1843 |
Spencer, Deborah (Hemingway) |
1825 |
Died |
1882 |
Vining, Naomi (Willey) |
1825 by letter |
Died |
1847 |
Wright, Anna |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1854 |
Curtis, Sally |
1825 |
Withdrawn |
Spencer, William |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1827 |
George, Ruth |
1825 by letter |
Dismissed |
Allbee, Submit |
1825 |
Withdrawn |
Durgin, Silas |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1833 |
Grow, Orson |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1829 |
Willey, Hannah (Perkins) |
1825 |
Died |
1856 |
Durgin, Mrs. Silas |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1833 |
Newcomb, Amelia |
1825 |
Died |
1825 |
Bangs, Mrs. Heman |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1833 |
Collier, Mrs. Irene N. |
1825 |
Died |
1884 |
Hopkinson, Noyes |
1825 by letter |
Died |
1860 |
Hopkinson, Mrs. Noyes |
1825 by letter |
Died |
1840 |
Willey, Jesse |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1845 |
Foss, Samuel B. |
1825 |
Dismissed |
1836 |
Foss, Susannah |
1825 |
Died |
1832 |
Davis, Harriet (Camp) |
1825 |
Died |
1867 |
Wilson, Sarepta |
1825 |
Died |
1875 |
Swetland, Juliet |
1825 |
Died |
1862 |
Chase, Hannah |
1825 |
Died |
1843 |
Wilbur, Polly |
1825 by letter |
Died |
Grow, John |
1826 |
Dismissed |
1859 |
Benham, Mary |
1827 |
Died |
1854 |
Daggett, Harry |
1827 |
Dismissed |
1832 |
Cook, Esther |
1827 |
Dismissed |
1828 |
Chandler, John G. |
1828 |
Dismissed |
1845 |
Chandler, Mrs. John G. |
1828 |
Dismissed |
1845 |
Wheeler, Timothy |
1828 by letter |
Dismissed |
1851 |
Wheeler, Mrs. Timothy |
1828 by letter |
Dismissed |
1851 |
Barber, Horace |
1828 |
Dismissed |
1830 |
Bragg, James |
1828 |
Dismissed |
1835 |
Wilder, Eliza (Newcomb) |
1828 |
Dismissed |
1844 |
Richardson, Mrs. Bethial |
1828 |
Died |
1840 |
Blood, Sarah |
1828 |
Died |
Senter, Eliza (Grow) |
1828 |
Dismissed |
1844 |
Grow, Olive |
1828 |
Dismissed |
1839 |
Grow, Marcus |
1828 |
Dismissed |
1844 |
Blake, Priscilla |
1828 |
Died |
1860 |
Holt, Ezra |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1834 |
Shedd, Alvin |
1831 by letter |
Died |
1842 |
Wheeler, Nathan |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1850 |
Benham, N. S. |
1831 |
Durgin, Carlos C. |
1831 |
Died |
Holt, Horace |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1844 |
Meritt, Eli |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1834 |
Hinman, Adam |
1831 |
Withdrawn |
1842 |
Preston, Orpha |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1834 |
Shedd, Lucinda |
1831 |
Withdrawn |
Richmond, Susan |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1835 |
Holt, Emily |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1842 |
Hinman, Mary Ann |
1831 |
Died |
1840 |
Cassett, Clarissa |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1831 |
Blake, Israel N. |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1837 |
Marsh, Joseph |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1875 |
Blake, Samuel Jr. |
1831 |
Withdrawn |
Adams, Calvin |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1836 |
Daggett, Philarmon |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1834 |
Clark, James |
1831 |
Withdrawn |
Camp, Norman W. |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1834 |
Leland, Erastus |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1834 |
Raymond, Volney P. |
1831 |
Withdrawn |
1842 |
Allbee, Elijah |
1831 |
Withdrawn |
1851 |
Robinson, George |
1831 |
Withdrawn |
1842 |
Camp, Alonzo |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1833 |
Camp, Ira |
1831 |
Died |
1878 |
Nelson, William |
1831 |
Died |
1871 |
Holt, Samuel |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1873 |
Colby, Samuel |
1831 |
Died |
1834 |
Greenleaf, William |
1831 |
Withdrawn |
Hinman, Mary Ann |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1831 |
Marsh, Sally |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1842 |
Wilder, Sarah |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1859 |
Hinman, Martha |
1831 |
Died |
1872 |
Stewart, Jane (Newcomb) |
1831 |
Died |
1877 |
Swetland, Amanda |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1842 |
Durgin, Janet |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1833 |
Durgin, Eliza Ann |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1833 |
Davis, Mary (Colby) |
1831 |
Died |
1885 |
French, Sarah |
1831 |
Withdrawn |
Morse, Caroline |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1835 |
Daggett, Mrs. Julia |
1831 |
Bragg, Abigail |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1835 |
Newcomb, Laura |
1831 |
Died |
1839 |
Cheney, Mary |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1839 |
Wilder, Abel |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1859 |
Brown, Daniel |
1831 |
Withdrawn |
1842 |
Brown, Mrs. Daniel |
1831 |
Dismissed |
Little, Mrs. Mercy |
1831 |
Dismissed |
1857 |
Robbins, Mrs. Nancy |
1831 |
Died |
1874 |
Fisher, Sarah |
1832 |
Died |
1832 |
Fisher, Martha E. |
1832 |
Dismissed |
1835 |
Wheeler, Alden |
1832 |
Dismissed |
1850 |
Wheeler, Laura |
1832 |
Dismissed |
1845 |
Newcomb, Orem |
1832 |
Died |
1854 |
Gibb, Margaret |
1834 |
Dismissed |
1838 |
Preston, Sarah Ann |
1834 |
Dismissed |
1834 |
Vining, Flora Ann |
1834 by letter |
Dismissed |
1834 |
Wilder, Mary (Hinman) |
1834 by letter |
Dismissed |
1859 |
Willey, Charles |
1834 |
Dismissed |
1837 |
Robertson, Joseph |
1834 |
Dismissed |
1837 |
Hinman, William |
1834 |
Withdrawn |
1850 |
Bowker, Samuel |
1834 |
Dismissed |
1837 |
Perkins, Hannah |
1835 |
Died |
1842 |
Bailey, Joshua |
1835 by letter |
Died |
1843 |
Adams, Dea. Charles |
1835 by letter |
Dismissed |
1856 |
Adams, Mrs. Charles |
1835 by letter |
Dismissed |
1856 |
Newcomb, Mrs. Maria D. |
1835 by letter |
Died |
1886 |
McPherson, Elspet |
1835 |
Died |
1862 |
Munson, Mrs. Albert |
1836 by letter |
Dismissed |
1841 |
Cheney, Sally |
1836 |
Dismissed |
Robbins, Sally K. |
1838 by letter |
Died |
1848 |
Robbins, Mary P. (Hinman) |
1839 |
Dismissed |
1855 |
Hinman, Eliza Ann (McPherson) |
1839 |
Hinman, Betsey (Carpenter) |
1839 |
Dismissed |
1859 |
Woods, Betsey |
1839 |
Dismissed |
1871 |
Bunnell, Rebecca |
1839 |
Dismissed |
1851 |
Blake, Eleanor (Collins) |
1839 |
Died |
1890 |
Willey, Naomi |
1839 by letter |
Died |
1847 |
Martin, Martha |
1840 by letter |
Dismissed |
1843 |
Martin, Sarah E. |
1840 |
Withdrawn |
Hopkinson, Sylvia |
1840 |
Dismissed |
1847 |
Chandler, Wheeler |
1840 |
Dismissed |
1845 |
Chandler, Harriet |
1840 |
Died |
1844 |
Grow, John M. |
1840 |
Hinman, George A. |
1840 |
Dismissed |
1855 |
Sprague, Erastus W. |
1840 |
Withdrawn |
Fairchild, Cornelia |
1840 |
Died |
1847 |
Bates, Jacob |
1840 |
Died |
1872 |
Bates, Mrs. Jacob |
1840 |
Died |
1874 |
Wilson, Mrs. Anna |
1840 |
Died |
1864 |
Wheeler, Mary M. B. |
1841 by letter |
Dismissed |
1850 |
Gould, Benjamin |
1841 |
Percival, Franklin |
1841 |
Dismissed |
1848 |
Holt, Curtis |
1841 |
Dismissed |
1844 |
Blake, Olive |
1841 |
Died |
1864 |
Hopkinson, Sarah (Pike) |
1841 |
Dismissed |
1876 |
Carpenter, Betsey |
1841 |
Dismissed |
Frost, Sumner |
1841 by letter |
Died |
1876 |
Frost, Mrs. Sumner |
1841 |
Died |
1849 |
Hopkinson, Mrs. Russell G. |
1841 by letter |
Died |
1876 |
Morse, Abigail |
1841 |
Dismissed |
1844 |
Pike, Mrs. Moses |
1841 |
Dismissed |
Nelson, Emeline (Adams) |
1841 |
Dismissed |
1853 |
Willey, Elizabeth (Grow) |
1841 |
Died |
1860 |
Robbins, Mrs. Alvin M. |
1841 by letter |
Nelson, Sarah |
1841 |
Died |
1843 |
Wheeler, Nathan |
1841 by letter |
Dismissed |
1850 |
Grow, Elijah |
1842 |
Dismissed |
1848 |
Grow, Mrs. Elijah |
1842 |
Dismissed |
1848 |
Buchanan, Malcom |
1842 |
Dismissed |
1842 |
Chase, Mrs. Sarah |
1842 by letter |
Died |
Morse, Charles F. |
1842 |
Dismissed |
1844 |
Claggett, Mrs. Sarah |
1842 by letter |
Dismissed |
1844 |
Frost, Caroline |
1848 |
Dismissed |
1854 |
Chamberlin, Peasley B. |
1849 |
Dismissed |
1855 |
Kelley, John |
1849 by letter |
Kingsbury, Mary Ann |
1849 by letter |
Dismissed |
1851 |
Harris, Charles A. |
1849 by letter |
Dismissed |
1867 |
Camp, Frances H. (Webb) |
1850 |
Dismissed |
1851 |
Clark, Emily |
1850 |
Died |
1851 |
Clark, William H. |
1850 |
Dismissed |
Lewens, William |
1850 |
Died |
1864 |
Bard, George I. |
1850 |
Dismissed |
1873 |
Newcomb, William H. |
1850 |
Dismissed |
1859 |
Williams, Charles |
1850 |
Died |
1862 |
Chamberlin, William |
1850 by letter |
Dismissed |
1860 |
Chamberlin, Mrs. William |
1850 by letter |
Dismissed |
1860 |
Blake, Catherine (Skinner) |
1850 |
Dismissed |
1857 |
Benham, Sarah I. |
1850 |
Dismissed |
1867 |
Bingham, Norman |
1850 |
Withdrawn |
1854 |
Frost, Harriet (Harrington) |
1850 |
Dismissed |
1869 |
Perkins, Adeline |
1850 |
Dismissed |
1859 |
Hinman, Ellen B. |
1850 |
Dismissed |
1856 |
Collins, Arad |
1850 |
Died |
1879 |
Adams, Charles K. |
1850 |
Dismissed |
1856 |
Hinman, Betsey (Carpenter) |
1850 |
Dismissed |
1859 |
Adams, Cephas G. |
1850 |
Dismissed |
1878 |
Adams, Amanda S. |
1850 |
Died |
1854 |
Adams, Eliza A. |
1850 |
Dismissed |
1856 |
Chamberlin, Charles C. |
1850 |
Dismissed |
1860 |
Robbins, Parley |
1850 |
Died |
1851 |
Chamberlin, Mary (Darling) |
1850 |
Dismissed |
1860 |
Hopkinson, Mrs. Noyes |
1851 by letter |
Died |
1867 |
Skinner, Nathan B. |
1851 by letter |
Dismissed |
1868 |
Bates, Mrs. Joseph |
1851 by letter |
Died |
1874 |
Fletcher, Mrs. Elizabeth (Shaw) |
1851 by letter |
Dismissed |
1878 |
Kendall, Mrs. Susannah |
1851 by letter |
Died |
1852 |
Howard, James B. |
1852 by letter |
Dismissed |
1854 |
Wyman, Stephen W. |
1852 by letter |
Dismissed |
1858 |
Wyman, Mrs. E. H. |
1852 by letter |
Dismissed |
1858 |
Wyman, Ellen (Webber) |
1852 |
Dismissed |
1856 |
Frost, Lucinda M. |
1852 |
Died |
1864 |
Bard, Dr. S. I. |
1852 by letter |
Died |
1852 |
Bard, Mrs. S. I. |
1852 by letter |
Died |
1890 |
Kelley, Dea. Daniel |
1852 by letter |
Kelley, Mrs. Daniel |
1852 by letter |
Kelley, Lucy Jane |
1852 by letter |
Dismissed |
1872 |
Kendall, Laura C. (Clark) |
1852 |
Dismissed |
1862 |
Kelley, Mrs. Willard |
1852 by letter |
Dismissed |
1862 |
Clark, Sarah K. |
1852 |
Dismissed |
Kelley, Willard |
1852 by letter |
Dismissed |
1862 |
Benham, Clara S. (Newcomb) |
1853 |
Dismissed |
1859 |
Frost, Mrs. Sumner |
1853 |
Died |
1882 |
Lanphear, Sabin |
1853 by letter |
Dismissed |
1855 |
Lanphear, Mrs. Sabin |
1853 by letter |
Dismissed |
1855 |
Bixby, Susannah Smilie |
1853 |
Dismissed |
1855 |
Carlton, Dea. Roswell |
1854 by letter |
Dismissed |
1858 |
Carlton, Mrs. Roswell |
1854 by letter |
Died |
1857 |
Johnson, Mary E. |
1854 |
Spofford, Luke |
1854 by letter |
Dismissed |
1856 |
Gould, Mrs. Benjamin |
1855 by letter |
Bates, Hannah P. (Dickerman) |
1855 by letter |
Dismissed |
1859 |
McPherson, John |
1856 |
Died |
1860 |
Child, Ruth (Fraser) |
1857 |
Dismissed |
1864 |
Johnson, H. E. |
1857 |
Johnson, Mrs. H. E. |
1857 by letter |
Died |
1880 |
Johnson, Charles E. |
1857 |
Kelley, Mrs. John |
1857 |
Kelley, Nathaniel |
1857 by letter |
Died |
1869 |
Kelley, Mrs. Nathaniel |
1857 by letter |
Died |
1868 |
Roberts, Mrs. Betsey M. |
1857 |
Died |
Kelley, Cephas G. |
1857 |
Dismissed |
1862 |
Carlton, Dwight |
1858 |
Dismissed |
1867 |
Carlton, Mrs. Dwight |
1858 |
Dismissed |
1867 |
Glass, Margaret |
1858 |
Dismissed |
1861 |
Grow, Elizabeth |
1858 |
Dismissed |
1863 |
Morrill, John F. |
1858 |
Collier, Levi |
1858 |
Died |
1877 |
Wilson, Mrs. Chauncey |
1858 |
Wilson, Mrs. Lewis |
1858 |
Mansur, Jacob C. |
1858 |
Dismissed |
1871 |
Hinman, Mrs. Sanford |
1858 |
Morrill, William |
1858 |
Died |
1863 |
Morrill, Mrs. William |
1858 |
Died |
1862 |
Bard, David I. |
1858 |
Died |
1862 |
Willey, Harriet N. |
1858 |
Died |
1865 |
Willey, Eunice N. |
1858 |
Died |
1861 |
Benham, Catherine R. (Bates) |
1858 |
Nelson, Mrs. Lucius |
1858 |
Dismissed |
1888 |
Bard, Mrs. Lydia (Child) |
1858 by letter |
Hinman, Lydia L. |
1858 |
Dismissed |
1867 |
Heminway, Mary (Harris) |
1858 |
Died |
1868 |
Whiteley, William |
1858 |
Withdrawn |
Allbee, Dea. Andrew J. |
1858 |
Allbee, Mrs. Andrew J. |
1858 |
Briggham, Maria A. |
1858 |
Dismissed |
Newcomb, Albert D. |
1858 |
Died |
1872 |
Newcomb, Herbert D. |
1858 |
Died |
1864 |
Chase, Ellen (Nourse) |
1858 |
Chase, Evelyn (Steele) |
1858 |
Dismissed |
1882 |
Brigham, John |
1858 by letter |
Died |
1872 |
Harris, Mrs. Charles A. |
1858 by letter |
Dismissed |
1867 |
Steele, Mrs. Solomon |
1858 by letter |
Hinman, Stephen |
1858 |
Dismissed |
1867 |
Bard, Carrie M. |
1858 |
Died |
1875 |
Child, Catherine F. |
1858 |
Dismissed |
1862 |
Collier, Amelia A. |
1858 |
Dismissed |
1881 |
Kelley, Elizabeth (Blake) |
1858 |
Grow, J. M. Jr. |
1858 |
Steele, J. A. |
1858 |
Dismissed |
1862 |
Steele, Joseph |
1858 |
Withdrawn |
1864 |
Williams, Sylvester |
1858 |
Brigham, Elizabeth (Edwards) |
1858 |
Dismissed |
1875 |
Moranville, Mary N. (Foss) |
1859 |
Dismissed |
1876 |
Camp, Edna E. (Drew) |
1859 |
Dismissed |
Stewart, Dea. E. A. |
1859 by letter |
Dismissed |
1872 |
Bates, Anna M. (Colby) |
1859 |
Died |
1881 |
Kelley, Mrs. George L. |
1859 |
Dismissed |
Page, Dea. Luther |
1859 by letter |
Died |
1875 |
Page, Mrs. Luther |
1859 by letter |
Died |
1865 |
Green, Lucy R. (Steele) |
1859 |
Dismissed |
1862 |
Percival, Franklin |
1860 by letter |
Percival, Mrs. Franklin |
1860 by letter |
Died |
1882 |
Grow, Mrs. James M. |
1863 by letter |
Niles, Mrs. Augusta F. |
1863 by letter |
Corey, S. P. |
1863 by letter |
Dismissed |
1867 |
Corey, Mrs. S. P. |
1863 by letter |
Dismissed |
1867 |
Corey, Rebecca |
1863 by letter |
Dismissed |
1867 |
Newcomb, William H. |
1863 by letter |
Dismissed |
1869 |
Williams, Mrs. Maria |
1865 |
Williams, Emma E. (Sawyer) |
1865 |
Dismissed |
1878 |
Collins, Mary B. |
1865 |
Green, Mrs. William |
1865 |
Dismissed |
1873 |
Hopkinson, Mrs. David B. |
1865 by letter |
Verback, Dea. William |
1866 by letter |
Died |
1868 |
Camp, Hon. D. M. |
1866 by letter |
Died |
1871 |
Camp, Mrs. D. M. |
1866 by letter |
Ripley, Ambrose A. |
1867 by letter |
Dismissed |
1869 |
Ripley, Mary F. |
1867 by letter |
Dismissed |
1869 |
Bates, Mrs. Sidney |
1867 |
Carpenter, George S. |
1868 |
Dismissed |
1876 |
Carpenter, Clara E. (Adams) |
1868 |
Heath, Eliza |
1869 |
Died |
1874 |
Heath, Mary |
1869 |
Dismissed |
1870 |
Benham, Mrs. N. S. |
1870 |
Bates, Mr. Lewis |
1870 |
Bingham, Jacob |
1871 |
Died |
1881 |
Holt, Edward B. |
1871 |
Dismissed |
1880 |
Holt, Mrs. Edward B. |
1871 |
Dismissed |
1880 |
Holt, Dea. Parley O. |
1871 |
Dismissed |
1882 |
Holt, Mrs. Parley O. |
1871 |
Dismissed |
1882 |
Carpenter, Henry D. |
1871 |
Dismissed |
1882 |
Carpenter, Mrs. Henry D. |
1871 |
Dismissed |
1882 |
Moran, Hollis A. |
1871 |
Moran, Mrs. Hollis A. |
1871 |
Newcomb, Mrs. Albert D. |
1871 |
Bates, Ammi D. |
1871 |
Bates, Mrs. Ammi D. |
1871 |
Colby, Nehemiah M. |
1871 |
Green, Diantha M. |
1871 |
Dismissed |
1873 |
Kelley, George L. |
1871 |
Dismissed |
1881 |
Sargent, Harvey F. |
1871 |
Sargent, Mrs. Harvey F. |
1871 |
Hopkinson, David |
1871 |
Hopkinson, Charles D. |
1871 |
Died |
1873 |
Niles, Allen P. |
1871 |
McNab, Mrs. Sarah |
1871 by letter |
Died |
1878 |
Kelley, Orin W. |
1871 |
Kelley, Mrs. Orin W. |
1871 |
Blake, Zenas C. |
1871 |
Grown, Mrs. James M., Jr. |
1871 |
Williams, Lyman |
1871 |
Died |
1871 |
Hill, Abbie |
1871 |
Davenport, Mrs. H. C. |
1871 by letter |
Dismissed |
1876 |
Williams, Mrs. Sylvester |
1871 by letter |
Rogers, Mrs. Susan |
1871 |
Died |
1878 |
Cobb, Charles D. |
1873 by letter |
Died |
1874 |
Cobb, Mrs. Charles D. |
1873 by letter |
Dismissed |
1880 |
Van DeWaters, Philip T. |
1875 |
Van DeWaters, Mrs. Philip T. |
1875 |
Van DeWaters, David P. |
1875 |
Died |
1883 |
Blake, Cora (Nourse) |
1876 |
Dismissed |
1884 |
Elder, Mrs. Sarah L. |
1876 |
Died |
1881 |
Newcomb, Orem |
1876 |
Story, Ida L. (Goldsmith) |
1876 |
Gray, Hannah A. (Baker) |
1876 |
Dismissed |
1889 |
Davis, Abigail A. |
1876 |
Died |
1888 |
Kelley, John 2d |
1876 |
Dismissed |
1884 |
Hay, Alexander |
1876 by letter |
Dismissed |
Kilborn, Mrs. Daniel |
1876 by letter |
Kelley, Anna (Hay) |
1876 |
Davidson, H. D. |
1877 by letter |
Died |
1881 |
Bryant, Julia |
1877 |
McKay, Ann |
1877 |
Collier, Leonard N. |
1877 |
Dismissed |
1881 |
Collier, Jane |
1877 |
Dismissed |
1881 |
Allbee, Elmer E. |
1877 |
Dismissed |
1886 |
Collier, Mrs. William |
1879 by letter |
Drew, Lizzie I. |
1879 |
Gray, Ruel |
1879 |
Badger, Edgar H. |
1881 |
Dismissed |
1883 |
Allbee, Earnest A. |
1881 |
Burpee, Ada |
1882 |
Dismissed |
1885 |
Gray, John |
1882 |
Gray, Mrs. John |
1882 |
Died |
1886 |
Hayes, Lewis C. |
1882 |
Hayes, Mrs. Lewis C. |
1882 |
Wilson, Emma |
1882 |
Bates, Clara B. |
1882 |
Batchelder, Lizzie M. (True) |
1882 |
Dismissed |
1887 |
Kilborn, Rachel (Allbee) |
1882 |
Dismissed |
1886 |
Gray, Nellie |
1882 |
Died |
1884 |
Gray, Bigby |
1882 |
Kilborn, Willie |
1882 |
Sawyer, Amos |
1882 |
Holt, Horace |
1885 by letter |
Holt, Mrs. Horace |
1885 by letter |
Died |
1887 |
Barnes, Edson |
1886 by letter |
Died |
1890 |
Barnes, Mrs. Edson |
1886 by letter |
Ewins, Mrs. Thomas |
1887 |
Allbee, Bessie |
1887 |
Kelley, Mertie |
1887 |
Kelley, Gertie |
1887 |
Drisko, Rev. R. C. |
1887 by letter |
Drisko, Mrs. Laura Isabelle |
1887 by letter |
Dunlap, Morrill |
1887 by letter |
Dunlap, Mrs. Morrill |
1887 by letter |
Webb, Mrs. Frances Camp |
1888 |
Dismissed |
1851 |
*Mrs Webb presented the same letter that she received from the church in 1851.
After an absence of thirty-seven years. |
Searles, Mrs. John E. |
1890 |
Roberts, George A. |
1890 by letter |
Present Members 1890 |
Allbee, Andrew J. |
Holt, Horace |
Allbee, Andrew J., Mrs. |
Johnson, Mary E. |
Allbee, Earnest A. |
Johnson, H. E. |
Allbee, Bessie A. |
Johnson, Charles E. |
Adams, Myron, Mrs. |
Kelley, John |
Benham, Nathan S. |
Kelley, John, Mrs. |
Benham, Nathan S., Mrs. |
Kelley, Daniel |
Bates, Sidney, Mrs. |
Kelley, Daniel, Mrs. |
Bates, Lewis, Mrs. |
Kelley, Orin W. |
Bates, Ami D. |
Kelley, Orin W., Mrs. |
Bates, Ami D., Mrs. |
Kelley, Anna (Hay) Mrs. |
Bates, Clara B. |
Kelley, Mertie |
Barnes, Edson C., Mrs. |
Kelley, Gertie |
(Child) Lydia Bard, Mrs. |
Kilborn, Daniel, Mrs. |
Camp, D. M., Mrs. |
Kilborn, Willie |
Colby, Nehemiah |
(McPherson) Hinman, Eliza |
Collier, Wm., Mrs. |
Moran, Hollis A. |
Dunlap, Morrill |
Moran, Hollis A., Mrs. |
Dunlap, Morrill, Mrs. |
McKay, Ann |
Drew, Lizzie I. |
Nourse, Ellen C., Mrs. |
Daggett, Julia, Mrs. |
Niles, Allen P. |
Drisko, R. C., Rev. |
Niles, Allen P., Mrs. |
Drisko, L. Isabelle, Mrs. |
Newcomb, Albert D., Mrs. |
Ewins, Thomas, Mrs. |
Newcomb, Orem |
Grow, John M. |
Percival, Franklin |
Grow, John M., Mrs. |
Robbins, Alvin M., Mrs. |
Gould, Benjamin |
Roberts, George A. |
Gould, Benjamin, Mrs. |
Sawyer, Amos |
Gray, John |
Searles, John E., Mrs. |
Gray, Bigby |
Wilson, Chauncey, Mrs. |
Hinman, Sanford, Mrs. |
Wilson, Lewis, Mrs. |
Hopkinson, David |
Wilson, Emma |
Hopkinson, David, Mrs. |
Williams, Sylvester |
Hayes, Lewis C. |
Williams, Sylvester, Mrs. |
Hayes, Lewis C., Mrs. |
Williams, Maria, Mrs. |
(Bates), Benham, Catherine R. Mrs. ( Handwritten in booklet )
Non Resident Members |
Blake, Zenas C. |
Morrill, John F. |
Blake, Zenas C., Mrs. |
Sargent, Harvey F. |
Collins, Mary B. |
Sargent, Harvey F., Mrs. |
Grow, J. M., Jr. |
Story, Ida S. (Goldsmith) |
Grow, J. M., Jr., Mrs. |
Steele, Solomon, Mrs. |
Gray, Ruel |
Van DeWaters, Philip T. |
Hill, Abbie |
Van DeWaters, Philip, Mrs. |