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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Ministers Installed Dismissed
Whiting, Rev. Samuel Oct 27, 1773 (for 5 years)  
Sargeant, Rev. Samuel    
Thacher, Rev. Thomas C. appx 1816  
Smiley, Rev. M.    
Burnap, Rev. Uzziah C. Sept 19, 1824 installed Dec 31, 1826 Dis June 19, 1837 Lowell, MA
Hodges, Rev. Silas H. installed Nov 14, 1838 Dis Dec 14, 1840
Rankin, Rev. Andrew installed Aug 1, 1841 Dis Mar 25, 1846 Middlebury College
Stone, Rev. Samuel M. installed Oct 14, 1846 Dis June 10, 1851
Richards, Rev. J. De Forrest installed April 29, 1853 Dis April 22, 1857
Jeffords, Chester D. installed Oct 20, 1858 Dis Oct 3, 1862 died Nov 22, (1862)
Torrey, Rev. Charles C. installed May 26, 1864 Dis Oct 1, 1865
Fairbanks, Rev. Edward T. supply Jan 1, 1866 left Jan 1867
Lord, Rev. Charles E. supply Jan 20, 1867 installed Aug 8, 1867  
Deacons Elected Died or Dismissed
Sargeant, Jabez Aug 27, 1778 Died Jan 27, 1811, age 60
Sargeant, Ezra July 13, 1811 Died Sept 10, 1839
Ranney, Waitstill April 3, 1818 Died 1839 in New Jersey, age 77
Heald, Daniel Oct 6, 1817 Died Sept 17, 1833, age 94 [1843?]
Daniel Heald and Ezra Sargeant, owing to the infirmities of age, retired from active duty Sept. 6, 1838.
Bullard, Sanford Sept 6, 1838 Died Feb 14, 1842
Heald, Amos Sept 6, 1838 Died March 4, 1849
Locke, Orin Nov 25, 1837 Dis July 2, 1856 Springfield, VT
Duncan, Joseph Nov 25, 1837  
Jenney, Josiah H. Nov 25, 1837  
Whitcomb, Abram Aug 20, 1853 Dis Sept 5, 1856 Grinnell, Iowa
Heald, Prescott Sept 5, 1859  
Atwood, Alpheus Sept 5, 1859  
Deacons - Present Present Members - Females Present Members - cont.
Atwood, Alpheus Atwood, Mrs. A. H. Haseltine, Miss Elsie
Duncan, Joseph Atwood, Mrs. Alpheus Hubbard, Miss Mary
Heald, Prescott Atwood, Mrs. Sanford L. Keyes, Miss Mirriam
Present Members - Males Baldwin, Mrs. A. F. Miller, Miss S. A.
Atwood, Henry A. Barrett, Mrs. D. R. Pierce, Miss Elisabeth
Baldwin, Albert F. Chandler, Mrs. Willard Prouty, Miss Lucy A.
Barrett, Daniel R. Deming, Mrs. H. Sargeant, Miss Emma
Davis, Asa Duncklee, Mrs. R. B. Spaulding, Miss Esther
Deming, Horace Earle, Mrs. Arvin Robbins, Miss Julia E.
Earle, Arvin Earle, Mrs. Warner By Profession since May 1867
Edwards, Therodore A. Edson, Mrs. Adams N. Bolles, Mrs. James Emory
Fisher, Lyman J. Gilson, Mrs. E. P. Church, Mrs. Francis
Gilson, Edwin P. Heald, Mrs. A. E. Dodge, Mrs. Abram
Heald, Pleasant O. Heald, Mrs. Prescott Glazier, Mrs. Eben L.
Heald, Warren Heald, Mrs. Warren Hubbard, Mrs. Orrin
Johnson, Walter L. Maxfield, Mrs. D. H. Leonard, Mrs. Spencer H.
Maxfield, David H. Miller, Mrs. William Locke, Mrs. Lewis
Moore, J. N. Miller, Mrs. William A. Moore, Mrs. Jason
Pierce, Joseph G. Moore, Mrs. J. N. Parmenter, Mrs. Horace A.
Prouty, Joshua Parmenter, Mrs. John Shaw, Mrs. Henry H.
Sabin, Ebenezer Pierce, Mrs. S. G. Walker, Mrs. Charles
Sargeant, Atwood Prouty, Mrs. Joshua Whitney, Mrs. Charles E.
Snell, Amasa Robbins, Mrs. Cyrus Deming, Miss Fanny E.
Williams, Darias D. Robbins, Mrs. George S. Fisher, Miss Julia E.
Williams, Thomas Sabin, Mrs. Ebenezer Maxfield, Miss Abby
By Profession since May 1867 Sargeant, Mrs. E. Oaks Moore, Miss Julia A.
Bolles, James Emery Sargeant, Mrs. E. Osgood Pierce, Miss Ellen
Church, Francis Snell, Mrs. Amasa Sargeant, Miss Anna
Duncklee, R. B. Van Du Zee, Mrs. Francis Stevens, Miss Martha A.
Glazier, Eben L. Williams, Mrs. Anthus By Letter
Hubbard, Orrin Williams, Mrs. Darias D. Bragg, Elisa
Moore, Jason Williams, Mrs. Thomas Sargeant, Lucy H.
Moorse, John E. Whiting, Mrs. L. G. Coffin, Mrs. George
Parmeter, Horace A. Wood, Mrs. Joseph Lord, Mrs. Charles E.
Pierce, George A. Wood, Mrs. N. W. Moorse, Mrs. John E.
Leonard, Spencer H. Present Members - Widows Perkins, Mrs. Ezra
Walker, Charles Barnes, Mrs. Clarissa Piper, Mrs. Joseph 2nd
Wyman, Benjamin Franklin Barrett, Mrs. Nancy G. Pratt, Mrs. Thomas M.
By Letter Deming, Mrs. Francis Non Resident - Females
Coffin, George Derby, Mrs. Rebecca Christy, Mrs. Hugh - Townshend
Perkins, Ezra Hadley, Mrs. Charlotte Davis, Tural B. - Springfield
Piper, Joseph 2nd Hammond, Mrs. Anna Duncklee, Achsah - Weston
Pratt, Thomas M. Hutchins, Mrs. Maria L. Sargeant, Maria - Chicago, IL
Shaw, Henry H. Kingsbury, Mrs. Eusebia Sawyer, Elvina - Canton, IL
Non Resident Males Lee, Mrs. Sarah Whitney, Laura A. (Maxfield) - Troy, NY
Atwood, Lorenzo - Fairfax, VT Onion, Mrs. Abigail Woodburn, (Jefford, E. E.) - Windham
Kingsbury, George W. - Army Present Members Torry, Elvina W. - W. Randolph
  Atwood, Miss Lizzie Sargent, Miss Deborah - Plymouth
  Chandler, Miss Julia E. Smith, Mrs. Henry - New Rutland, IL
  Duncan, Miss Sarah Ware, Mary - Illinois
    Thompson, Malvina - Perkinsville
Members - dismissed since May 1, 1858 Members - died since May 1, 1858 Members - died previous to 1858
Rankin, Rev. Andrew & wife Clapp, Mrs. Hannah Bullard, Alfred
Richards, Rev. J. D. F. & wife Deming, Mrs. Laurensa Badlow, William
Heald, Mr. Allen W. Danforth, Mrs. Dean, Ezra
Barnard, Mr. Benjamin S. Edwards, Mrs. Rebecca E. Fisher, Mrs. Joseph
Cressy, Mr. C. J. & wife Fisher, Mrs. Selina A. Gould, Mrs. Dr.
Fisher, Mr. Edward & wife Fletcher, Mrs. Thankful Gordan, Mr. & Mrs. Josiah
Fisher, Mr. George Heald, Mrs. Abbie (Onion) Hall, Hugh
Adams, Mr. Hiram E. & wife Heald, Mrs. Lydia Lawrence, Nathan
Heald, Mr. Henry P. Henry, Mrs. Sarah Onion, Albert
Sawyer, Mrs. Delia M. Parker, Mrs. Abigail Onion, Ichabod
Cooley, Mrs. Ellen S. Robinson, Mrs. Elizabeth Onion, Widow Jamima
Lawrence, Mrs. Eliza (Duncan) Ware, Mrs. Louisa A. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin
Gilson, Mrs. Freedona Wilder, Mrs. Lydia Whitney, Norman
Hurd, Mrs. Lydia Moore, Mr. Israel & wife Heald, Deacon Amos
Walker, Mrs. Lucy (Dudley) Fisher, Mr. Joseph Bullard, Deacon Sanford
Herrick, Mrs. Mary F. (Miller) Whiting, Mr. Sidney L. Sargeant, Deacon Ezra
Walker, Mrs. Prudence   Locke, Deacon Mrs.
Thompson, Mrs. R. B.    
Stewart, Miss Hattie A.    
Stevens, Miss Laura E.    
King, Miss Rebecca    

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