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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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A brief history of the Congregational Church of East Burke on it's one hundred and forty-fifth anniversary

The Congregational Church of Burke was organized March 1, 1807 which is one hundred and forty-five years ago. This is indeed a long time but thanks to Mrs. Walter Nelson we have been able to learn many facts about the humble beginning and early history of this Church and community. Some of these reports were gleaned from the Burke Centennial Edition of the St. Johnsbury Republican printed on July 1, 1896 from material compiled by her mother, Mrs. Mabel Hall Walter. This supplemented by the Child's Gazetteer and a Church record book with continuous entries since January 1, 1907 have produced a great deal of information.

To fully understand some of the incidents in its past we have to know a little bit about the early settlement of the town which was chartered on February 26, 1782 by Thomas Chittenden, Governor of the "Independent Republic of the Green Mountains". Lemuel Walter of Litchfield County, Conn. made the first clearing in the town in 1792 on land which is now a part of Mt. View Farms. (It is the farm where Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Darling lived for many years and where Henry Darling was born.) He brought his family to Burke in 1794. The next year they were joined by the families of Godfrey Jones, Ranney Spencer, Barnabas Thurber and William Barbour who also settled on the same ridge, and Samuel and David Colefix near the East Haven line. Before 1800 they were joined by eighteen more families. Most all came from Litchfield County, Connecticut.

The organization of Burke took place on December 5, 1796 at the home of Lemuel Walter. Those present were Joseph Lord, justice of the Peace of St. Johnsbury, Lemuel Walter, Barnabas Thurber, Godfrey Jones and Ira Walter. Though there may have been others, it is probable these were all of voting age then resident in town.

In 1802 the town voted to lay out a public green and burying yard near the center of town. A street three rods wide was surveyed and a town house built that year. The town house served also as a meeting house and school house for some years. It was arched overhead and the walls and ceiling were papered. The window glass and paper were brought from Connecticut by David Porter, a land agent from Hartford. Dan White, first justice of the peace, build a dwelling and opened a small store where he exchanged necessary supplies for salts of lye and potash which were the chief products of the settlers. The pound was in his barn. Roman Tyler, William Woodruff and William Barbour lived on the Burke Green, as this tiny hamlet was called, and there was a blacksmith's shop. As soon as communication was established by opening roads, Burke, following her Puritan instincts, took steps toward providing public worship. In March 1798 a town committee consisting of Barnabas Thurber, John Walter and Samuel Colefix were appointed "to treat with Elder Peleg Hicks to come and preach with us". The negotiations were successful for soon an adjourned town meeting gave Elder Hicks sixty acres of land off the minister's right. In July he was granted sixty acres more. This land was from the five rights reserved to public uses as provided for in the town charter viz: to state college, county grammar school, town school, minister's support and one right to the first settled minister.

Then disagreement arose and in 1799 the advice of Esquire Cahoon of Lyndon was sought. A majority of the settlers were Baptists though there were some whose early associations were with other modes of belief. The first religious society organized in 1801 was Baptist: and at a special town meeting in September of that year Elder Hicks, the Baptist preacher, was voted to be the first settled minister of the Gospel in Burke. In the succeeding years two parties arose. The Baptists under the leadership of Barnabas Thurber supported their old Scotch pastor in his claim to the land granted by the Charter of the Town of Burke to the first settled minister.

The dissenters, who were an influential minority, claimed that the Elder did not represent their beliefs or maintain their ideals and therefore should not be installed. Acting possibly under the advice of Esq. Cahoon, Elder Hicks in 1805 redeeded to the town the second grant of sixty acres made to him in July 1798. Still the dissenters were not satisfied and feelings ran high. We have proof of this in entries on the town records. In June 1806 we find the following: "Certificates of Religious Sentiments in Burke".

"We, the subscribers, do hereby certify that we do not agree
in religious opinions with the majority of the inhabitants of this town".
George Nichols John Woodruff Azel Paine
E. Burrington Timothy Fisher, Jr. Ozias Humphrey
Elam White Ezra Andrews Chauncey Buell
Aaron Henderson Moses Severance Alden Cooley

In January 1807 two more prominent citizens, William Barbour and C. Asher Flower, filed their dissent. These certificates mark the starting place of three other denominations represented in Burke. Within a few weeks the first Congregational Church was organized.

The Congregational Church of Burke was organized on March 1, 1807 by Rev. John Fitch of Danville with eleven members. These members were William Barbour, George Nichols, Orentus Brownson, Ruth Barbour, Elizabeth Palmer, Mary Burrington, Anna White, Mary Cooley, Kezia Severance, Abia Brownson and Betsey Nichols. An old record tells us what became of these original eleven members. William Barbour, Deacon, died in Burke; George Nichols, removed, died in West (New York State); Orentus Brownson, died in Connecticut; Ruth Barbour, died in Burke; Elizabeth Palmer, removed, died in West; Mary Burrington, died in Burke, 1835; Anna White, died in Burke; Mary Cooley, Kezia Severance, Abia Brownson, removed, died in Connecticut; Betsey Nichols, removed, died in West (N. Y. State) 1856.

The early years of this Church were full of privation and hardships, but the little group held together, sometimes hiring a neighboring clergyman to preach, sometimes remembered by missionaries on their rounds. Up to the year 1825 the Church had enrolled a membership of 48. Under the impetus given by the building of the Union Church at Burke Hollow it increased until in 1837 the first settled pastor, the Rev. Thomas Duncan was installed. This was a great occasion with people gathering for miles around to take part in the solemn ceremony. Among those present were Rev. Thomas Hall and Jonah Carpenter from Waterford; Rev. Josiah Morse and Charles Hosmer from St. Johnsbury First Church, and Rev. James Johnson from the Second Church; Rev. William Scales and Deacon Charles Stone from Lyndon; Rev. David Jones from Danville; and Simeon Griffith from Lunenburg; Rev. Solon Martin and Deacon John Frye from Concord.

The first Church building was erected at East Burke in 1839. Mr. Duncan was dismissed at his own request in 1839 and was succeeded by Rev. S. M. Wheelock, who remained with the Church two years. Then the Rev. John Clark preached ten years during which there were twenty-four additional members who united with the Church. After his departure there followed a period of discouragement with services discontinued for a time, then after a series of prayer meetings alternating between East Burke and Burke Hollow they were resumed with renewed interest under Rev. Wellington in 1856. The missionary society sent men to help; the Revs. Richard Cordley, Henry Fairbanks, Thomas Kidder, F. D. Ayer, E. Mix and O. Pearson supplied at different times during 1856 and 1857. Meetings were held one fourth at East Burke and three fourths in the Union Church at Burke Hollow.

It was at such a time of awakening interest that a young divinity student from New York, Edwin P. Goodwin, came to Burke. He preached during the summer of 1858 and returned again the next year. He was ordained at East Burke November 10, 1859. The house was crowded and the services solemn and impressive. The sermon was by Rev. H. N. Burton, the ordaining prayer by Rev. J. Eastman, the charge by Rev. J. Underwood, and the right hand of fellowship by Rev. W. W. Thayer. The young pastor was full of energy and enthusiasm. He was anxious for the Society, which by this time was mainly centered at East Burke, to build a new Church in that village. His faith was justified. Although called to a wider field of labor the next year, a field which constantly widened until the name of Dr. Edwin P. Goodwin became notable in the annals of his Church, his influence strengthened the little Church into an organized effort for a larger and better life.

In 1865 Mr. Alfred B. Darling of New York, who for many subsequent years retained his membership and interest in this Church, bought for $1800 the present building which was erected by the Baptists in 1845 and which seats three hundred persons. He leased this to the Congregational Society. In 1886 extensive repairs were made and the Church was rededicated on November 11, 1886. At this time the Society withdrew from the meeting house at the Hollow, though still retaining their share in the building. When Mr. Darling died in September 1896 he left the Society the Church property and a $10,000 fund, the income of which was to be used to support preaching.

From these chronicles of bygone days we found one little bit of Yankee humor typical of these long gone folks. It is said Porter Walter was always punctual in his attendance at the Methodist Church but his father Augustus was punctilious. One stormy Sunday morning in winter in the 40's Porter remarked at breakfast, "We can't get to meeting today, father, it's too stormy to take out the horses". The old man did not reply but presently arose and went to the window. "We shall have to sell the horses, Porter," he said after a time. "Sell the horses" exclaimed Porter. "Yes, and buy a Congregational team, there's Captain Fisher's folks just coming down their hill." This was the Fisher family who brought up Alfred Darling after the loss of his parents.

Tieing the worthy past with the activities of the present runs a golden chain of Christian fellowship, the links of which are forged by faithful pastors and loyal members of the congregation. There are services such as those rendered by Miss Mary F. Harris, clerk and treasurer from 1886 to 1923 who also served much of this time as organist and sang in the choir. Mrs. Celia Stafford Frasier sang in the choir for over thirty years with hardly a Sunday's absence. The records show only seven clerks in the past sixty-six years. Another kind of service was performed by members of the Darling family who undertook the responsibility for the up-keep and beautification of the present Church building. After the death of Alfred B. Darling in 1896 his nephews Elmer A. Darling and Lucius A. Darling continued his good work. Through their auspices the building was completely repaired, renovated and refurnished in 1900 and again in 1924 with other projects undertaken at various times as the need arose. Since their deaths Lucius' son, Henry G. Darling, has helped to finance other repairs.

Some of the pastors since 1885 have included the Revs. C. B. Hulburt, Charles H. Burton, J. C. Bodwell, Owen Hardy, H. C. Van Haagen, J. J. Hutchinson and I. Adams Rose. As Reverend Rose was stricken with influenza and died in 1919 it was decided to unite with the Methodist Episcopal congregation until another pastor could be procured. The union was such a harmonious one that it was decided to continue the arrangement and a formal federation of the two churches was completed in 1920. The Federation has continued ever since with alternating pastors of each denomination until recently when the Federated Church has had a co-pastor with the Lyndonville Congregational Church.

The pastors under the Federation have been the Revs. J. Q. Angell, S. G. Suitor, A. G. Axtell, John Norris, Lawrence Larrowe, Everett Babcock, J. F. Norton, John W. Starie, Edwin L. Burke, Hugh Thompson, Oral and Betsey Fisher, J. J. Hutchinson and the present pastor, Robert Mayhew, who has served since April 15, 1951.

These records covering one hundred and forty-five years have revealed a few facts worth noting. The annual New Year's Community Dinners, which have been such happy occasions, were begun by Mrs. Amelia Newell Burton, wife of the Rev. Charles H. Burton, in 1888 and have continued for sixty-five years with only a short interruption during World War II. The largest enrollment of members during the past forty-five years has been 95. There were 65 names on the Congregational roll of the Federated Church on January 1, 1952. We have two members on our roll who are direct descendents of Mrs. Mary Burrington, one of the eleven charter members of this church, they are Mrs. Marjorie Burrington Sanderson and Norman Burrington. Mrs. Celia Frasier, Mrs. Jennie Hunter, Miss Jennie Green, Mrs. Anna Bragdon, and Mrs. Josephine Godding have been members for over fifty-five years, Fay Warner and Miss Stacie Phillips, over forty years, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, thirty-five years, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson over thirty-two years.

A service commemorating the one hundred and forty-fifth anniversary of the organization of the Congregational Church was held in the Church on March 2, 1952 with the pastor the Rev. Robert Mayhew in charge of the program. The Rev. Loren House Jr., pastor of the Danville Congregational Church was the guest speaker. Following the service a Fellowship House was held in the Vestry with many out of town visitors. An anniversary cake topped with a miniature replica of the church made by Mrs. Ernest Temple was cut and served by Mrs. Elmer Burrington, whose husband is a lineal descendant of Mrs. Mary Burrington. The miniature Church was presented to Mrs. Carl Frasier, one of the oldest members of the Church, having belonged nearly sixty years.

March 1, 1952
Mrs. Roy A. Smith
East Burke, Vermont

Ministers Installed Died or dismissed
Duncan, Rev. Thomas 1837 dismissed 1839
Wheelock, Rev. S. M. 1839 1841
Clark, Rev. John 1841 1851
Wellington, Rev. 1856  
Cordley, Rev. Richard supplied 1856 & 1857  
Fairbanks, Henry supplied 1856 & 1857  
Kidder, Thomas supplied 1856 & 1857  
Ayer, F. D. supplied 1856 & 1857  
Mix, E. supplied 1856 & 1857  
Pearson, O. supplied 1856 & 1857  
Goodwin, Edwin P. supplied 1858  
Hulburt, Rev. C. B. since 1885  
Burton, Charles H. since 1885  
Bodwell, J. C. since 1885  
Hardy, Owen since 1885  
Haagen, H. C. since 1885  
Hutchinson, J. J. since 1885  
Rose, I. Adams since 1885 died 1919
Merger of church with Methodist Episcopal in 1920
Angell, Rev. J. Q.    
Suitor, Rev. S. G.    
Axtell, Rev. A. G    
Norris, Rev. John    
Larrowe, Rev. Lawrence    
Babcock, Rev. Everett    
Norton, Rev. J. F.    
Starie, Rev. John W.    
Burke, Rev. Edwin L.    
Thompson, Rev. Hugh    
Fisher, Rev. Oral    
Fisher, Rev. Betsey    
Hutchinson, Rev. J. J.    
Mayhew, Rev. Robert April 15, 1951 current
A list of members of the Congregational Church from its organization in 1807 to the removal in 1865 (from the Union Church at Burke Hollow) is as follows:
Member Joined Left
Barbour, William Original Member 1807 deacon, died in Burke
Nichols, George Original Member 1807 removed, died in West
Brownson, Orentus Original Member 1807 died in Connecticut
Barbour, Ruth Original Member 1807 died in Burke
Palmer, Elizabeth Original Member 1807 removed, died in West
Burrington, Mary Original Member 1807 died in Burke 1835
White, Anna Original Member 1807 died in Burke
Cooley, Mary Original Member 1807  
Severance, Kezia Original Member 1807  
Brownson, Abia Original Member 1807 removed, died in Connecticut
Nichols, Betsey Original Member 1807 removed, died in West 1856
Ide, Elizabeth 1808 died
Bray, John 1809 died in west
Burbank, Polly 1809 removed
Putnam, Susannah 1810 removed
Fisher, Susannah 1810 died in Burke, 1854
Pike, Luther 1810 removed
Pike, Sally 1810  
Putnam, Peter 1810 removed
Walter, Esther 1810 died in Burke 186__
Burrington, Roxey 1810 died in Burke 1839
Ide, Ezra 1810 removed
Humphrey, Lucinda 1811  
Darling, Abigail (Fisher) 1811  
Cushing, Abigail 1811  
Holmes, Lemuel 1811  
Holmes, Abigail 1811 died in Burke
Holmes, Asa 1811 dismissed 1840
Holmes, Joanna 1811 died in Burke
Blake, Mrs. 1811 died
Martin, Clarissa Humphrey 1811 died 1858
Bartlett, Thomas 1811 dismissed to Lyndon 1856
Thurber, Horatio G. 1817 removed to Ohio
Hall, Elizabeth 1817  
Humphrey, Ozias 1817 died in Burke
Humphrey, Cynthia 1817 dismissed 1827
Bundy, Isaac 1817 died in Burke 1855
Bundy, Abigail 1817 died in Burke
Ramsey, Hepsebeth 1817 dismissed
Hall, Lucy 1817 died in Burke
Lawton, Lucy (Hall) 1817 dis St Johnsbury 1836, rec. back 1844, died in Burke
Bemis, Huldah (Hall) 1817 dismissed to Lyndon 1828
Hall, Elizabeth 2nd 1817 died in Burke
Coe, Eunice (Fairbanks) 1817 died in West
Guild, Abigail (Bundy) 1817 died in Burke
Bray, Miranda 1817 dismissed in 1827
Leach, Sally (Walter) 1817 dismissed to Methodists 1827
Woodruff, Ruth 1817 died in Burke 1843
Fisher, Timothy Jr. 1825 died in Burke 1854
White, Elam 1825 deacon, died in Burke, age 73
Fisher, Curtis 1825  
White, Esther 1825 died in Burke
Harvey, Pamela (Fisher) 1825 living in 1896
Bundy, Fanny 1825 died in Burke
Blair, James 1826 deacon
Blair, Anna 1826 dismissed 1835
Eggleston, Catherine (Blair) 1826 dismissed 1836, died in Whitley, PQ
Hubbard, Hannah 1826  
Finney, Betsey 1826 died in Burke 1845
Kilby, Thomas T. 1829 died in 1843
Kilby, Thomas P. 1829 deacon, died in 1867
Kilby, Elias R. 1829 died in 1852
Kilby, Milla H. 1829 died in 1888
Kilby, Betsey 1829 dismissed 1859
Kilby, Sally A. 1829 died in 1843
Woodruff, Melinda 1831 dismissed 1839
Coe, Cornelia 1831 dismissed 1841
Goss, Calista Houghton (Hall) 1831 dismissed to St Johnsbury
Walter, Lois (Coe) 1831 died in East Haven 1893
Finney, Susannah (Fisher) 1831 died in Burke
Eggleston, Roenza (White) 1831 died in 1891
Blair, Sally 1831 dismissed 1835
Bundy, Willard 1832 died in Burke
Packard, Laura (Bundy) 1832  
Bundy, Mary 1832 died
Stevens, Joseph B. 1832 dismissed 1838
Stevens, Elexia 1832 dismissed 1843
Stevens, Malvina 1832 dismissed 1838
Barbour, Esther 1832 died in Burlington
Evans, Emily (Fisher) 1832 dismissed 1832, died 1851
Stevens, John I. B. 1833  
Stevens, Sophia 1833 dismissed 1838
Hall, Susan 1833  
Bemis, Mrs. 1833 unknown, gone to the Universalists
Morse, Dr. & Rev. Josiah 1833  
Root, Mrs. 1833 died
Parker, Amos 1834  
Parker, Laurinda 1834 dismissed 1847
Belden, Mary 1834 died in Burke
Duncan, Lucy 1834 died in Burke 1843
Brown, Roxena (Fisher) 1835 died 1869
Carpenter, Matilda (Fisher) 1835 dis to Kirby, rec back 1856, died Lyndon 1894
Newell, Abigail (Finney) 1835 died 1858
Gage, Wealthy (White) 1835 dismissed 1858
Page, Caroline (White) 1835 died in Burke
Darling, Alfred B. 1835 died 1896
Ball, Lucius W. 1835 removed to West
Finney, Harrison 1835 living in 1896
Bundy, Isaac Jr. 1835 removed to West
Fairbanks, Ephraim 1836  
Fairbanks, Hannah 1836 dismissed 1847
Morse, Amos 1836 deacon
Morse, Esther 1836 dismissed 1842
Killby, John 1836 dismissed 1841
Raynolds, Hannah C. 1836 dismissed 1836
Abbott, Reuben 1837 deacon, dismissed 1844
Abbott, Lydia 1837 died
Skinner, Susan W. 1838 dismissed 1848
Fisher, Rosetta 1839 dismissed 1843
Bundy, Sarah M. 1840 died
Allen, Olive 1841 dismissed 1849
Morse, Amos, Jr. 1841 dismissed 1845
Morse, Jewett 1841 dismissed 1848
Webster, Nathaniel C. 1841  
Hall, Samuel 1841 died
Fisher, Edwin 1841  
Fisher, Minerva (Denison) 1841 dismissed, died
Finney, Lyman H. 1841 deacon, dismissed 1870
Brown, Zenas 1841 died
Ladd, Stephen 1841 living in 1896
Darling, Caroline 1841 died
Harvey, Silas 1842 died 1868
Guild, Noah 1842  
Guild, Elizabeth 1842 died
Closson, Charles 1844  
Closson, Sophronia 1844 dismissed to Littleton, NH 1859
Martin, Isaac 1844 died in Burke 1857
Jenkins, Mrs. Salome 1845 died
Duncan, Lucy 1847 dismissed 1852
Evans, Aba Ann (Darling) 1847 died in Lyndon 1856
Jones, Marilla (Finney) 1847 dismissed to Boston 1865
Chapman, Olive 1850 dismissed
Buck, Ammi 1852 died 1868
Buck, Jane A. 1852 died
Clark, John 1853  
Clark, Abigail 1853 dismissed
Williams, Albert W. 1853 removed to New Hampshire
Williams, Elizabeth A. 1853 died in Burke
Carpenter, Chester A. 1856 dismissed to Lyndonville, died
Carpenter, Matilda (Fisher) 1856 died 1894
Barney, Earl 1856  
Barney, Louise 1856  
Watkins, Stephen 1856 died
Closson, Deborah 1856 died 1850
Page, John C. 1856 removed to Rutland, died
Guild, Dennis 1856 died 1859
Taylor, Caroline L. 1857  
Burton, Amelia (Newell) 1857 dismissed to Newbury 1858
Goodwin, Ellen (Chamberlain) 1857 dismissed to Ohio 1866
Goodrich, Emma (Chamberlain) 1857 dismissed to Chicago 1871, died
Hall, Sarah (Bundy) 1857 dismissed to St Johnsbury 1865, died
Brown, Anna Eliza 1857 living in 1896
Buck, Milton A. 1857 dismissed to New Hampshire 1876
Hunt, Mary J. (Buck) 1857 dismissed to Barton Landing
Harvey, Charles D. 1857  
Harvey, Silas D. 1857 dismissed to Missouri 1868
Harvey, Emily F. 1857  
Newell, Mrs. Charlotte C. 1857 living in 1896
Fisher, Lucy G. 1857  
Closson, Alanson 1857 dismissed to New Hampshire 1859
Hunter, Phoebe (Miner) 1858 died 1869
Varney, Amelia (Kilby, Washburn) 1858 dismissed to Lyndonville, 1870
Kilby, Carrie 1858 died 1858
Brown, Mary E. 1858 died 1867
Newell, Elam W. 1858 died in New York 1868
Sanderson, Sarah (Newell) 1858 died
Eggleston, Abner H. 1858 died
Taylor, Mr. 1858  
Clogton, Lucinda 1858  
Newell, Oliver 1858 dismissed
Belden, Mrs. Franklin 1858  
Gregory, Sarah (Belden) 1858  
Bugbee, Mrs. Ebenezer 1858 died
Moulton, Mrs. Emeretta 1858  
Nelson, Emma (Bundy) 1858 dismissed
Membership of Congregational Church, East Burke, Vermont on January 1, 1907
Hunter, Charles died Jan 27, 1925
Farmer, Alonzo died May 16, 1914
Smith, Hibbard dropped Jan 1, 1908
Goss, William D. died Feb 28, 1908
Gilfillan, Horace given letter April 30, 1911
Goss, Horace dropped Jan 1, 1927
Goss, Willie dropped Jan 1, 1927
Goss, Frank dropped Jan 1, 1908
Hunter, Ira died Aug 19, 1936
Phillips, Oscar deacon, died Aug 21, 1951
Dunn, S. S. dropped Jan 1, 1927
Hunter, Asahel died July 23, 1945
Dashney, John died March 28, 1913
Houston, Frank G. dropped Jan 1, 1908
Batchelder, J. E. letter, 1916
Batchelder, Clarence dropped January 1, 1927
Jenkins, Alvah H. letter, March 29, 1910
Goss, George died July 14, 1916
Howland, Herbert letter, November 2, 1913 dead
Hardy, Rev. O. E. letter, January 1, 1909
Harris, Perley S. March 17, 1907, letter April 12, 1927
Van Haagen, Rev. H. C. letter November 8, 1914
Caswell, Walker died March 9, 1932
Warner, B. Fay  
Eggleston, Amelia died April 17, 1910
Hunter, Mrs. Charles died Feb 22, 1931
Gray, Mrs. Junella died December 23, 1917
Harris, Mary E. died June 20, 1932
Hunt, Jennie (Huntly) dropped January 1, 1908
Parker, Roancy L. died February 17, 1936
Wilde, Belle Amidon dropped January 1, 1927, united with another church
Graves, Mrs. Hattie letter, January 1, 1907
Clark, Mrs. Mina Harris letter, February 12, 1911
Goss, Mrs. Martha letter, July 2, 1914
Hoffman, Mrs. Stella Goss dropped January 1, 1927
Belden, Mrs. Mary V. died March 18, 1931
Phillips, Mrs. Etta died April 4, 1928
Hunter, Mrs. Ann Eliza died December 1, 1910
Gilfillan, Mrs. Ella letter April 31, 1911
Gilfillan, May letter, November 24, 1907
Root, Mrs. Rose died March 1919
Dashney, Mrs. Margaret May 28, 1924
Ball, Mrs. Gertrude Goss dropped January 1, 1927
Humphrey, Mrs. Mabel Goss dropped January 1, 1927
Bragdon, Mrs. Annie Belden died July 9, 1953
Jenkins, Mrs. Mary Eggleston letter March 17, 1910
Cole, Mrs. Eva Hunter died January 11, 1914
Legacy, Mrs. Elizabeth dropped January 1, 1927
Vance, Mrs. Mabel G. March 17, 1907, died February 1919
Harris, Mrs. Bessie L. letter April 12, 1927
Webb, Mildred Vance dropped January 1, 1927, united with another church
Hunter, Mrs. Jennie Cole  
Kittredge, Mrs. Carrie L. died September 13, 1923
Godding, Mrs. Josephine  
Hoyt, Mrs. Flora M. Ladd letter January 1, 1913
Frasier, Mrs. Celia B.  
Dunn, Mrs. Nellie L. dropped January 1, 1927
Green, Jennie C.  
Streeter, Mrs. Susan L. died June 21, 1918
Houston, Mrs. Emma L. dropped January 1, 1908
Batchelder, Mrs. J. E. letter 1916
Hunter, Mrs. Grace Batchelder died April 1941
Kelley, Mrs. Nancy A. died August 1919
Lane, Mrs. Sarah E. died July 28, 1921
Fairbanks, Mrs. Kate Lauder letter May 20, 1918
Howland, Mrs. Dora died November 1913
Stafford, Mrs. Mary died November 27, 1927
Sias, Mrs. Mary died 1945
Howland, Mrs. Abbie died May 10, 1913
Phillips, Mrs. Cora died January 27, 1930
Leach, Mrs. Lottie Root died September 29, 1916
Curtis, Martha L. Sias letter July 21, 1918
Hardy, Amy F. letter January 1, 1909
Lamond, Mrs. Jaynor W. Glassville, Carlton Co., NH, dropped January 1, 1927
Hardy, Mrs. O. E. letter January 1, 1909
Davis, Mrs. Urania T. died December 30, 1929
Walter, Mrs. Susan E. died October 26, 1918
Morgan, Mrs. Ann Eliza died September 5, 1908
Temple, Mrs. Junella died February 1, 1929
Gillander, Glenn (Streeter) Davis letter September 24, 1944
Phillips, Stasie A.  
Rosebrook, Mrs. Nellie E. Caswell died March 19, 1943
Hall, Mrs. Myrtie letter February 25, 1912
Caswell, Mrs. Walker died February 4, 1935
Rose, Mrs. Leora E. letter June 8, 1924
Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth H.  
Morgan, Evelyn letter June 1919
Nelson, Mrs. Elizabeth  
Foster, Mrs. Edna Hunter put on inactive absent list January 6, 1950
Munkittrick, Mrs. Evelyn Hunter letter to St. Johnsbury March 1932
Barber, Mrs. A. A. letter March 28, 1937, dead
Rose, I. Adams died January 28, 1919
Rosebrook, John died September 6, 1950
Nelson, Walter  
Harris, Carl E. letter April 12, 1927
Harris, P. Lincoln letter April 12, 1927
Harris, Willard S. letter April 12, 1927
Cole, Elmer D. letter June 1, 1932
Barber, Aldis A. dead
Edmunds, William D. dropped, united with another church
Cole, Harley Leo dismissed, united with Episcopal Church
Bowman, Mrs. Louise died December 31, 1922
Membership of Congregational Church 1929 (additional members?)
Frasier, Helen Vance dropped, united with Episcopal Church
Willson, Erma M. Foster put on inactive absent list January 6, 1950
Foster, Mrs. Jessie C. letter March 25, 1945
Martin, Alice M. Warner put on inactive absent list January 6, 1950
Wright, Bessie L.  
Young, Hazel put on inactive absent list January 6, 1950
Munkittrick, Lawrence letter to St. Johnsbury March 1932
Hunter, Jonathan E. letter March 28, 1937
Foster, Charles S. died March 31, 1940
Hunter, Charles L.  
Frasier, Carl  
Stafford, Lorenzo W. died January 24, 1949
Membership of Congregational Church 1930 (additional members?)
Burrington, Mrs. Gladys  
Gorham, Howard D. died October 12, 1934
Gorham, Mrs. Flora  
Gorham, Densmore  
Gorham, Carol  
Smith, Carolyn Gorham put on inactive absent list January 6, 1950
Gorham, Aldis  
Berry, Miss Dale letter to St. Johnsbury
Maxwell, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Nelson put on inactive absent list January 6, 1950
Taylor, Mrs. Florence ? Dead
Smith, Miss Arline E.  
Chamberlain, James  
Rosebrook, Proctor E. put on inactive absent list January 6, 1950
Rich, Philip put on inactive absent list January 6, 1950
Devanger, Dick put on inactive absent list January 6, 1950
Colby, Earl put on inactive absent list January 6, 1950
Tarris, Floyd died February 2, 1950
Hilliard, Ralph transferred to West Burke
Dolloff, Loren put on inactive absent list January 6, 1950
Nelson, Charles H. died February 25, 1946
Davis, Murray  
Burrington, Norman  
Temple, Franklin  
Basnar, Carlton letter April 11, 1949
Basnar, Mrs. Velma letter April 11, 1949
Burrington, Mrs. Eda Davis letter
Bowman, Mrs. Hazel Philbrook  
Wade, Mrs. Ruth put on inactive absent list January 6, 1950
Colby, Mrs. Hazel put on inactive absent list January 6, 1950
Hilliard, Mrs. Doris A. transferred to West Burke
Brockway, Miss Lottie  
Sanderson, Mrs. Marjorie B.  
Gibavic, Mrs. Annette Nelson  
Wallace, Marion Baird  
Starie, Rev. J. W. letter December 1944
Starie, Mrs. Ruth letter December 1944
Lyon, Doris letter April 1943
Winslow, Pauline Basnar  
Abendroth, Marion Hollis put on inactive absent list January 6, 1950
Carpenter, Alton dismissed to Episcopal Church, January 31, 1953
Gorham, Albert  
Tower, David  
Peck, Stuart  
Fogg, Harold  
Brown, Harold  
Dodge, Fayette  
Hill, Aldis  
Leach, Reginald  
Boulrisse, Mrs. Effie T.  
Carpenter, Mrs. Grace  
Wright, Mrs. Phyllis Fogg  
Gorham, Mrs. Blanche  
Gorham, Mrs. Dorothy  
Gorham, Mrs. Shirley  
Leach, Mrs. Alberta  
Washburn, Mrs. Greta  
Leach, Mrs. Sadie died August 1948
Peck, Mrs. Harriet  
Fogg, Mrs. Marjorie R.  
Dodge, Mrs. Venila  
Meredith, Mrs. Phyllis V. Dodge  
Hill, Mrs. Helen B.  
Powell, Mrs. Frieda  
Davis, Mrs. Laura  
Brown, Mrs. Hildegard  
Bowman, Jean  
Stevens, Mrs. Patricia Burrington  
Burrington, Verneda  
Fogg, Priscilla  
Hazard, John  
Hazard, Ernest  
Hazard, Mrs. Kathleen L.  
Hazard, Charlotte  
Lavely, Mrs. Evelyn Twombly  
Note: It has not been possible to arrange the names in the order the individuals joined the church as the list, beginning in 1907, is taken from several different Church Rolls which have been revised from time to time.

Carolyn E. Guest on March 31, 2010 has updated the list of members with the following:
Member Died
Mrs. Flora Gorham Sept 17, 1974
Mr. Densmore Gorham Dec. 28, 2000
Mr. Carroll Gorham Nov. 8, 1993
Mr. Albert Gorham 1991
Mrs. Marjorie McFarland Oct. 26, 1993
Mrs. Shirley Gorham Feb 14, 2010
Mr. Aldis Gorham Nov. 9, 2005

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