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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Highlight keywords:
Amadon, Mrs. Benjamin F. Golden, Mrs. Ruth D.
Anderson, Mildred J. Goldsmith, Lena M.
Andrews, William H. Goldsmith, Sophie P.
Andrews, Mrs. William H. Goodall, Henry S.
Andrews, William S. Goodall, Mrs. Henry S.
Antonio, Joseph C. Graham, F. Stewart
Armstrong, Catherine Graham, Mrs. F. Stewart
Armstrong, Harley Graham, F. Stewart, Jr.
Armstrong, Mrs. Herbert Grant, Mrs. Catherine B.
Armstrong, Mrs. Hollis B. Grant, Frederick H.
Armstrong, Howard E. Grant, George R.
Armstrong, John C. Green, Mrs. Adelbert C.
Armstrong, John W. Green, Hazel G.
Armstrong, Lee F. Green, Helen J.
Armstrong, Mrs. Lee F. Green, Henry A.
Armstrong, Louise Green, Mrs. Henry A.
Armstrong, Mrs. Marcus P. Greenslet, Roger F.
Atwood, Mrs. George Gregg, Clarinda
Austin, William A. Gregg, Mrs. Robert
Baker, Mrs. Amyel Grieves, Mrs. Dorothy J.
Baker, Dorotha E. Griffith, Elizabeth E.
Baker, Frank Griffith, James P.
Baker, Mrs. Frank Griffith, Mrs. Paris
Baker, Mary A. Gunzel, Frederick O.
Baker, Rhoda H. Gunzel, Fred W.
Barnes, Charles H. Gygax, Mrs. John
Barnes, Mrs. Fremont Gygax, John W.
Barney, Herbert M. Hall, Arthur C.
Barron, Mrs. Jane Hall, Edward J.
Barthelmas, Frederick W. Hall, Hiram L.
Barthelmas, Rose A. Hall, Mrs. Hiram L.
Barthelmas, William G. Hall, J. Philip
Bartlett, Charles H. Hall, Richard H.
Bartlett, Katherine J. Hall, Mrs. Richard H.
Bassett, Mrs. Norman Hall, Woodhull S.
Battles, Frank E. Hallock, Mrs. Elwyn R.
Beecher, August Harbour, Doris M.
Beecher, Frank S. Harmon, Muriel M.
Beecher, Fred J. Harrington, Mrs. George
Beecher, Mrs. Rose S. Hartington, Burt G.
Beecher, William H. Hartington, Herbert G.
Becker, Mrs. Frederick Hartington, Mrs. Herbert G.
Belden, Maude C. Hartington, Marguerite Jane
Belden, Mrs. Morton J. Hathaway, Mary
Bennett, Charles G. Hathaway, Nellie S.
Bennett, Mrs. Cynthia G. Hawes, Mabel C.
Bennett, Elizabeth D. Hawkes, Gertrude F.
Bennett, Harriet Estelle Hawks, Mrs. Anna P.
Bickford, Mrs. George Hawks, Breard H.
Bishop, Mrs. John F. Hawks, Carolyn C.
Bissell, William E. Hawks, Douglas
Bissell, Mrs. William E. Hawks, Mrs. Douglas
Blair, Francis Hawks, Douglas, Jr.
Blair, Mrs. Francis Hedges, Mrs. Thomas
Boynton, William S. Hervey, Frank
Boynton, Mrs. William S. Hervey, Mabel H.
Braisted, Mrs. Adelbert W. Hicks, George E.
Braisted, William A. Hicks, Mrs. George E.
Braley, Mrs. Frederick Hicks, Howard H.
Breidenbach, Katherine Hicks, Wilhelmina H.
Bridge, Mrs. Bessie K. Hill, Mrs. Robert G.
Bristol, Richard M. Holden, Mrs. John S.
Britton, Daniel W. Holmes, Minerva
Britton, Mrs. Rachel L. Holt, Mrs. William M.
Buchanan, Blanche Huling, Mrs. Edward B.
Buchanan, Charles S. Huling, Elizabeth H.
Buchanan, Mrs. Charles S. Hunter, Mrs. Eva T.
Burke, Mrs. James E. Hunter, Kenneth G.
Burrington, Mrs. M. J. Hussey, Mrs. Robert F.
Burt, Frederick A. Hutton, John Goodall
Burt, John M. Hutton, May E.
Burt, Mrs. Lucy J. Hyde, Ellen G.
Buss, Mrs. Harry R. Hyde, John Russell
Camradt, Erna Hyde, Mrs. Russell M.
Carbonaro, Mrs. Nicholas Irons, Francis S.
Carrier, Leslie A. Irons, J. Gillam
Carver, Elizabeth Irons, Mrs. J. Gillam
Carver, Mrs. F. B. Jacobs, Mrs. Zenobia
Carver, Martha D. Jaquith, Dorothy
Caswell, Mrs. Mary M. Jenney, Barbara P
Chapman, George M. Jenney, Elizabeth H.
Chase, Arthur B. Jenney, Frances D.
Chase, Mrs. Arthur B. Jenney, Mrs. Rollin D.
Chase, Laura Jewett, Mrs. Clara M.
Church, Raymond S. Jewett, Paul E.
Churchill, Mrs. M. H. Jewett, Mrs. Paul E.
Clayton, Kenneth R. Kapitz, Mary E.
Clayton, Mrs. Kenneth R. Keeseman, Mrs. George W.
Clayton, Lawrence O. Kelley, Mrs. Rodney
Clayton, Marion E. King, Ralph E.
Clayton, Mrs. O. R. Kittell, Mrs. Paul H.
Cobb, Eleanore R. Kreiss, Mrs. Morgan F.
Cobb, Irving C. Kroepsch, Kay W.
Cobb, Mrs. Irving C. Latour, Mrs. Omer
Cobb, Raymond W. Lewis, James A.
Comar, George C. Lewis, Mrs. James A.
Connelly, Mrs. Ella F. Lewis, Reginald L.
Cook, Mrs. Edward J. Litster, Mrs. John
Cook, Emily I. Lother, Iona B.
Cook, George E. Loziear, Mrs. Orcha
Cook, Martha L. Maies, Esther Vera
Cook, Mrs. Rosa B. Mann, Mrs. Channing
Coonz, Orwin G. Manney, Mrs. Henry G.
Corbett, Elizabeth B. Martin, Arthur S.
Corbett, Mrs. Stella I. Martin, Mrs. Arthur S.
Coyne, Elizabeth M. Mastropietro, Raffaele
Coyne, Evelyn L. Mastropietro, Mrs. Raffaele
Crawford, Mrs. Eugene Mathers, Charles M.
Crichton, David O. Mattison, Duane F.
Crichton, Mrs. David O. Mattison, Helen
Crichton, David W. Mattison, Hugh R.
Crichton, Julia R. Mattison, Mrs. Ida
Cummings, Stanley McKeon, Mrs. John F.
Cummings, Mrs. Stanley Merrill, Mrs. Mary A.
Cushman, John Halsey Mills, Mrs. Donald
Cutler, Martin C. Mills, Mrs. George S.
Cutler, Mrs. Martin C. Montgomery, Mrs. W. P.
Darby, Mrs. Morgan A. Moore, Alice B.
Davenport, Frank H. Moore, Mrs. David E.
Davenport, Mrs. Frank H. Moore, Elizabeth L.
Davis, Elbert G. Moore, Fannie E.
Davis, George E. Moore, George H.
Davis, Mrs. George E. Moore, Mrs. John
Deas, Margaret Moore, Lawrence E.
Del Tatto, Ada Moore, Lorenzo F.
Del Tatto, Carlo Moore, Mrs. Lorenzo F.
Del Tatto, Mrs. Carlo Moore, Warren H.
Del Tatto, Charles D. Morrill, Alfred T.
Del Tatto, Lena Morrill, Mrs. Alfred T.
Del Tatto, Susie Morse, Mrs. Fred G.
Denley, Helen B. Morse, Nelson E.
Denley, Mrs. John Moulton, Mrs. Susan J.
Dewey, Arthur J. Mulligan, Mrs. George
Dewey, Mrs. Arthur J. Mulligan, George E.
Dewey, Arthur J. Jr. Murphy, Irene F.
Dewey, Mrs. Charles H. Murphy, Mrs. W. E.
Dickinson, Barbara J. Myers, Betty G.
Dickinson, Sanford C. Myers, William H., Jr.
Douglass, Arvilla R. Nelson, Mrs. George
Douglass, George A. Nevils, Mrs. Edward N.
Douglass, Maurice A. Nichols, Marden R.
Douglass, Willis M. Nichols, Mrs. Marden R.
Douglass, Mrs. Willis M. Nichols, Mrs. William H.
Drew, Vera Noyes, Ralph F.
Durand, Mrs. George Noyes, Theodore W.
Elwell, Arthur J. Olin, Mrs. Jesse
Elwell, Mrs. Arthur J. Ostrander, Charles H.
Elwell, Dennis W. Ostrander, Mrs. Charles H.
Elwell, John A. Packard, Mrs. Frederick B.
Elwell, Mrs. John A. Packard, Mary Louise
Elwell, Margaret L. Page, Emma W.
Emmons, Mrs. Edward M. Page, Mrs. Florence M.
Emory, Mrs. Harry H. Parkhurst, Alvin W.
Endress, Mrs. Calvin Patterson, Jennie A.
Estes, Mrs. Cyrus S. Patterson, Mrs. Ernest B.
Estes, Francis N. Percey, Bessie L.
Estes, Howard C. Percey, Mrs. Clarence A.
Estes, Mrs. Howard C. Percey, Lula A.
Estes, Karl O. Percey, Ralph W.
Estes, Mrs. Karl O. Percey, Mrs. Raymond F.
Estes, Loverne C. Perry, Leatrice B.
Fischer, Mary Petras, Mrs. Richard
Fleming, Marie E. Pettus, Mrs. Milton L.
Fleming, Veleida L. Pitcher, Mrs. Gladys
Fonda, S. Elizabeth Pitkin, Frances H.
Foskitt, Mrs. Clarence R. Pitkin, Paul E.
Foster, Allen H. Pitkin, Mrs. Paul E.
Foster, Mrs. Alfred Plumb, Charles A.
Foster, John J. Plumb, Chauncey H.
Foster, Mrs. Leon Plumb, George H.
Foster, Mary Plumb, Mrs. George W.
Fowler, Mrs. Lorin G. Pope, Mrs. Frank B.
Fradenburg, Mrs. Frank Potter, Ruth E.
Freidenmann, Helen C. Potter, Mrs. William
Freidenmann, William N. Powers, Barbara N.
Gallagher, Mrs. Frances B.  
Gerken, Dorothy  
Gerken, Harvey D.  
Gerken, Richard L.  
Gerken, Mrs. Richard L.  
Gerken, Richard L., Jr.  
Godfrey, Ruth M. last page currently missing
Goewey, Marado M. will try and add it later.

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