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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
Rev. Curry M. Spidell

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List of Pastors
Ministers Who Served The First Baptist Church of Bellows Falls
Rev. Ahira Jones, Agent of the State Convention 1854-
Rev. N. B. Jones, first settled Pastor 1855-1856
Rev. S. F. Brown 1856-1863
Rev. N. Pierce 1866-1867
Rev. C. F. Nichols 1869-
Rev. J. R. Haskins 1870-1876
Rev. E. A. Herring 1878-1879
Rev. S. H. Emery 1879-1884
Rev. Edward Green 1884-
Rev. N. W. Alger 1885-1889
Rev. C. R. B. Dodge 1890-1901
Rev. C. W. Jackson 1902-1906
Rev. J. W. Moore 1907-1912
Rev. J. W. Chesbro 1913-1918
Rev. J. L. Clark 1919-1921
Rev. J. M. Maxwell 1921-1928
Rev. C. M. Spidell 1928-
Church Officiary
Curry M. Spidell Pastor
Miss M. Imogene Parker Clerk
Mrs. George E. Mineard Treasurer
Miss M. Imogene Parker Collector
Miss Mildred Snow Treasurer of Benevolences
H. B. Underhill Auditor
E. W. Trask E. W. Brown
F. H. Mark  
Hugh W. Miller Walter B. Glynn
E. L. Bean  
Finance Committee
Rev, W. J. Setzer Mrs. Frank Newcomb
John F. Davis Mrs. F. H. Whitcomb
Frank H. Mark William Hume
Howard Johnson Edward Underhill
Francis Cady  
Visiting Committee
Mrs. H. B. Underhill Mrs. John F. Davis
Mrs. Harry Reed Miss Blanche Bacon
Miss Ethel Hill  
Music Committee
Miss M. Imogene Parker Miss Ellen Miller
Walter B. Glynn  
Mrs. Lulu Parker Organist
Miss Alice Helen Jackson Choir Director
The Bible School
F. H. Mark Superintendent
William Hume Assistant Superintendent
Miss Jennie Fuller Secretary-Treasurer
Miss Louisa Friehofer Assistant Secretary
Mrs. Harry Reed Superintendent of Elementary and Intermediate Departments
Mrs. John Davis Superintendent of Home Department
Mrs. L. M. Hunt Superintendent of Cradle Roll Department
Mrs. Lulu Parker Organist
Miss Katherine Richards Chorister
Board of Bible School Directors
F. H. Mark Rev. W. J. Setzer
William Hume Walter B. Glynn
Mrs. Harry Reed Mrs. Frank Whitcomb
Miss Jennie Fuller  
Mrs. Frank Whitcomb Mrs. F. H. Mark
Miss Bertha Bacon Miss Ethel Hill
Mrs. L. M. Hunt Miss Imogene Parker
Rev. C. M. Spidell Miss Mabel Lockwood
Mrs. Harry Reed Mr. Hugh Reed
Mrs. E. W. Trask  
Church Organizations
The Ladies' Aid Society
Mrs. T. F. Faulkner President
Mrs. George Ransom Vice-President
Mrs. J. F. Davis Second Vice-President
Mrs. Frank Newcomb Treasurer
Miss Jennie Fuller Secretary
The Mission Circle
Mrs. H. B. Underhill President
Mrs. L. M. Hunt Vice-President
Mrs. George E. Mineard Second Vice-President
Miss Ethel Hill Secretary
Mrs. George Bacon Treasurer
The Friendship Club
Mrs. Helena Moore President
Mrs. Gertrude Dickenson Vice-President
Mrs. W. J. Setzer Secretary
Mrs. Eva Hubley Rooney Treasurer
Christian Endeavor Society
Miss Katherine Richards President
Miss Thelma Reed Vice-President
Miss Mildred Faulkner Treasurer
Mr. Hugh Reed Secretary
Membership and Parish List
(We have taken great care to include in this list all who have connection with our church; but should there be someone omitted who rightfully belongs here, we ask forgiveness for the oversight.)
Mrs. Eva Archerson, 120 Westminster Rd. Mr. William Martin, 6 Cherry St.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Ainger, 41 Henry St. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Moore, 35 School St.
Dwight Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mineard, 39 Henry St.
  Mr. Hugh W. Miller, 2 Church St.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brown, 107 Atkinson St. William-Ellen
Mrs. Annie F. Blanchard, 26 Williams St. Mr. and Mrs. Adin E. May, 3 West St.
Mrs. Mary J. Bacon, 61 Atkinson St. Gertrude
Blanch Miss Grace Moore, 36 Front St.
Mrs. Calista Burnett, 55 Atkinson St. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Mark, 66 Saxtons River Rd.
Mr. H. C. Bacon, 12 Atkinson St. Robert-Hilda
Bertha Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Murray, 13 Center St.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bussey, 5 Granger St. Arnold-Wilbur-Hugh-Gwendolyn
Henry-Lena Mr. and Mrs. Perley Muzzy, Saxtons River Rd.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bean, 9 West St. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Morris, Bartonsville, Vt.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bowron, West St. Richard-Carrol
Shirley Mr. and Mrs. George Mandigo, Saxtons River Rd.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bean, Rutland, Vt.  
Mr. Roy Bean, Rutland, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newcomb, 26 Green St.
Mrs. A. L. Booth Roy-Frank
Miss Calista Maud Burnett Miss Harriet Nelson, Claremont, N. H.
Mrs. Blanch Blodgett  
Miss May Blodgett, Charlestown, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Oates, 1 Blake St.
Mr. Edward C. Burnett Phyllis-Virginia
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Benedict, 88 Atkinson St. Mrs. Clara Bussey Otis, Vermont Academy, Saxtons River, Vt.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Burns, 8 Hapgood St. Mrs. Lulu Parker, 9 West St.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Cady, 48 Laurel St. Mr. Alvin D. Parker, Wellesley, Mass.
Alice-Francis Mr. and Mrs. William Pollard, 35 Laurel Ave.
Mrs. Eva Clough, 116 Atkinson St. Laura-Floyd
Eva-Irving-Arthur-Edwin-George Mrs. F. B. Phelps, 10 School St.
Mr. and Mrs. George Clapham, 152 Rockingham St. Mrs. Ida M. Parsons, 69 Atkinson St.
Mrs. John M. Creamer, 3 Pine St. Miss Lucy Phelps, Worcester, Mass.
Eva-Nina Mr. Walter Parsons, White River Junction, N. H., R.F.D. No. 2
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clarke, 69 Saxtons River Rd.  
Mr. Ezra E. Cota, Winchester, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reed, 7 Granger St.
Mrs. E. O. Cooke Hugh-Avis-Thelma-Alta-Paul-Barbara-Catherine
Edith-Elizabeth-Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rooney, Blake St.
Mrs. Kate Rhoades Call, Springfield, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Rugg, 120 Westminster St.
Mr. George Codding Dorothy
  Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Reil, 6 Taylor St.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis E. Davis, 17 Atkinson St. Marion
Jean Mr. and Mrs. Laurence W. Raymond, 24 Henry St.
Mr. and Mrs. Claird Davis, 14 West St. Beverly-Gordon-Clayton-Maxine-Robert
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Davis, 25 Henry St. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Richards, 10 South St.
Mrs. Gertrude Dickinson, 12 Forrest St. Kathryn-Esther-Samuel-John
Miss Carrie Daggart, 44 Saxtons River Rd. Mr. Roland Edwards, 20 Green St.
  Mrs. Rosetta A. Roys, 12 Green St.
Miss Myra Emerson, 10 School St. Mrs. George H. Russell, 12^/2 Russell St.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ellsbury, 14 Taylor St. Beatrice-Charles
Gladys Mr. and Mrs. George S. Ranson, 24 Old Terrace
Mr. Leslie Eno Donald-Florence-Hazel-Carl
  Mrs. Luciana Randville, 30 Old Terrace
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Faulkner, 16 Center St. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rhoades, Saxtons River Rd.
Mildred-Norman-Howard Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reed, Saxtons River Rd.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Fuller, 42 Henry St. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowley, Saxtons River Rd.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Fuller, 5 Hadly St. Elmer-Ralph
Helen-Janice Mr. Lester Rhoades, Saxtons River Rd.
Miss Jennie B. Fuller, 87 Westminster Rd. Mr. Byron Robinson, Fitchburg, Mass.
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Friehofer, 72 Atkinson St. Mrs. Josephine Creamer Ramsey, Walpole, N. H.
Miss Louisa Fancy, 7 Henry St Rev. and Mrs. William P. Setzer, 25 Hapgood Place
Mr. Bernard Fairbrorher, 38 Rockingham St. Jane-Martia
Mrs. Mary Fairbanks, Saxtons River Rd. Rev. and Mrs. Curry M. Spidell, 74 Atkinson St.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Fowler, 7 Atkinson St. Mr. and Mrs. William Sornmers, 8 Hapgood St.
Richard-Virginia June-Glenna-Ann
Mrs. E. E. Ferguson, South St. Mr. and Mrs. B. Stoodley, 11 Pine St.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Glynn, 48 Atkinson St. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scudder, Barker St.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Garland, 9 Barker St. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sharkey, 9 Center St.
Howard-Alvia-Everett-Ruth Mr. D. L. Snow, 39 Front St.
Mr. Fred Gardner, (5 Myrtle St. Mildred
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Goudas, 82 1/2 Atkinson St. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Silver, 35 Barker St.
Dorothy-Nick-Marie Chester
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Gillett, Cold River, N. H. Mrs. Florence E. Silver, 39 Old Terrace
Mr. Thomas Gammon, 3 Pine St. Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Stacy, 16 Tuttle St.
Mr. E. W. Gove, Grafton, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Summerville, 52 Atkinson St.
Mr. Leroyce Willard Gardner Mrs. H. Stone, Bartonsville, Vt.
Mrs. Bertha M. C. Gragen Mrs. Walter Smith, Saxtons River Rd.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goddell, Cold River, N. H. Mr. Wallace Sencebaugh, Bartonsville, Vt.
  Mrs. D. B. Sencebaugh
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hunt, 54 Pine St. Mr. R. S. Simonds, 6 Barrow St., Boston, Mass.
Amy-Hazel-Elizabeth Miss Nellie A. Smith, Northampton, Mass.
Mrs. Lilla Hill, 35 Atkinson St. Miss Gladys Stewart, South St.
Ethel Mr. Harold Snow, Charlestown, N. H.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hewey, 18 Williams Terrace Mrs. Edith Willis Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William House, 30 School St. Mrs. May Stevens Smith, New York City
Mr. and Mrs. William Hume, Rockingham Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Simonds, School St. and Southern Pines, N. C.
William-Robert Mrs. Belle Shattack, "WestHeld, Mass.
Miss Vivian Hood, 16 Underhill Ave.  
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hackett, 6 Cherry St. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Trask
Dorothy Dr. E. E. Trask, 37 Front St.
Mrs. Donald Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomas, 54 Pine St.
Miss Alice Holt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thurston, 62 Williams Extension
Mrs. Anna Halladay  
Miss Katherine Howe, Putney, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Underbill, 12 Williams Terrace
Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Hart, Newport, N. H. Edward
Mr. and Mrs. George Jenkins, 11 Atkinson St. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Woodcock, 28 Green St.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson, 5 Pleasant St. Regis
Pauline-Howard Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Whitcomb, Cold River, N. H.
Mrs. Hanna Gove Jenkins, Barre, Vt. Arthur-Frank
Miss Grace Jenkins, Southbridge, Mass. Mr. Arthur Wright, 5 Hyde St.
  Mrs. Harriet Whitman, 12 Green St.
Mrs. Mary L. Kemp, 50 Atkinson St. Mrs. Rose Webster, 11 South St.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kelley, Russell St. Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Wilcox, 166 Westminster Rd.
Catherine-Leo-Evelyn-J. Russell Harold, Jr.-Robert-Marion
  Mr. and Mrs. Anton M. Wolfel, Cold River, N. H.
Miss Mabel Lockwood, 69 Atkinson St. Mildred
Mr. and Mrs. William F. LaClair, 136 Westminster St. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Walker, 39 Atkinson St.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Leach, 3 Blake St. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Wood, 79 Saxtons River Rd.
Margaret Ann Miss Flora Watkins, 24 Green St.
Mr. Herbert Lane, 9 Center St. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wing, Keene, N. H.
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Lovell, Rockingham Rd. Mr. Earl Wing, N. H.
Ann-Betty-Putman-Aldis Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wainwright, 40 Henry St.
Mrs. Henry Lasond, 39 Rockingham St. Vera
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Lulu, 17 Barker St.  
Mr. Frank Landon, 69 Bay St. Ave., Somerville, Mass. Mrs. Edna Young, 71 Atkinson St.

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