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This cemetery is on Route 2 on the road
towards Peacham. It appears to be the
Potter's Field for the town of Marshfield as there are many unmarked
This listing is incomplete as the most recent interments were not copied -
only the older ones. |
Name |
Born |
Died |
1a |
Samuel Corlis |
November 30, 1828 |
Æ 76 y. |
1b |
Jane |
August 30, 1836 |
wife of Samuel Corlis, Æ 83 y. |
2a |
Lurany [Tubbs] |
September 18, 1845 |
wife of Leander Corlis, Æ 44 y. |
2b |
Elsy L. |
August 18, 1844 |
daughter of Leander and Lurany Corlis, Æ 2 y. 4 m. |
2c |
Leander Corlis |
April 9, 1880 |
Æ 85 y. |
3a |
Andrew G. Corliss |
1839 |
1928 |
3b |
Agnes G. Batchelder |
1838 |
1921 |
his wife |
4a |
Alfred Lamberton |
April 23, 1879 |
Æ 63 y. 10 m. |
4b |
Maria |
May 14, 1893 |
his wife, Æ 68 y. 1 m. 14 d. |
5a |
James Boyles |
1831 |
1895 |
5b |
Mary Jane Corliss |
1833 |
1911 |
his wife |
6a |
Sally |
December 21, 1886 |
wife of Alexander Boyles, Æ 87 y. |
6b |
Alexander Boyles |
November 27, 1877 |
Æ 77 y. |
6c |
John Boyles |
October 10, 1878 |
Æ 73 y. |
6d |
Mary Boyles |
March 25, 1867 |
Æ 65 y. |
7a |
Sarah A. Roberts |
June 23, 1905 |
Æ 76 y. 4 m. 11 d. |
7b |
Mervin Roberts |
March 15, 1893 |
Æ 69 y. 6 m. |
7c |
[ ]
Roberts [worn] |
[ ] |
1860 |
Æ [ ] m. [worn] |
7d |
Eva A. |
February 28, 1875 |
daughter of Mervin & Sarah Ann Roberts, Æ 2 y. 5 m. |
8a |
Rebecca |
October 3, 1843 |
wife of Asa Davis, Æ 46 y. 10 m. |