Sunday, July 25, 2010
Wish fulfilled
Mother is finally reunited with sons
Guests attend the
re-interment of former North Brookfield resident Elizabeth R. Hill at
Walnut Grove Cemetery. Ms. Hill had requested that she be buried
alongside her sons in the family plot, but was buried elsewhere
instead. (T&G Staff / TOM RETTIG)
Elizabeth R. Hill wrote several volumes. (T&G Staff / TOM RETTIG)
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Shelley Finn, left, and University of Massachusetts anthropologist Claire Gold
look at a fragment unearthed during the exhumation of remains believed
to be those of Elizabeth R. Hill. (T&G Staff / RICK CINCLAIR)
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The women of the Elizabeth R. Hill Committee lower the wooden casket into the grave at Walnut Grove Cemetery. (T&G Staff / TOM RETTIG)
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There have been signs all along the way and yesterday, as more than 100
people began to gather near the open grave in the still afternoon heat
at Walnut Grove Cemetery, a branch fell from a tree.
The irony was not lost on members of the Elizabeth R. Hill Committee,
who have spent the last year working to bring home the remains of one of
the town's most famous former residents.
Mrs. Hill, more than 100 years ago, was arrested for having branches cut
in the graveyard because a tree leaned over the burial site of her four
sons and she feared the it would damage the new marble stone she'd had
Yesterday, the scant remains believed to be those of Mrs. Hill were
moved to the cemetery after being disinterred from the grounds of the
Worcester Lunatic Asylum — now the Glavin Regional Center in Shrewsbury —
last week.
Committee members said it was her wish to be buried with the
four of her five sons who died before their third birthdays. She'd
written about that desire in her books and had her name carved on the
stone. The committee had hoped to right a wrong nearly a century old.
Yesterday, beneath her name on the white marble stone, a new
inscription, “Reunited with her children, July 24, 2010” had been
The feat was one that amazed Mrs. Hill's
great-great-granddaughter, Ruth Widau, who in 2001 tried to find Mrs.
Hill's burial site during a visit here from her home in Greensburg,
Ind., and went home disappointed.
“How they cut through all that red tape. ... I'm just
overwhelmed,” she said yesterday after the service. Ms. Widau revealed
that she recently found some family pictures — although none depicted
Elizabeth — and she talked about her great-grandfather, Elizabeth's son,
who moved to Indiana with his father, Kittredge Hill in 1863 and didn't
see his mother for nearly four decades.
“Welcome home, Elizabeth,” committee members said as they
dropped fistfuls of dirt on the white wood casket after a celebration
service at the First Congregational Church. “Welcome home.”
Mrs. Hill was a divorcée, unusual for her time. She was an
outspoken property owner, traveler, teacher and newspaper reporter who
often rankled those in power in the small community with her opposition
to the taking of her land by the railroad. She frequently filed lawsuits
against the town and others, although she did not have the right to
vote. Local officials twice had her committed to the Worcester Lunatic
Asylum. She was released once, but at age 78, she was sent there a
second time and died there 16 years later when she was 93.
Last week, committee members gathered at the grave in Shrewsbury
and sifted through yards of dirt looking for human remains. The
committee includes Patty A. Duggan of North Brookfield; Leslie R. Munns
of Worcester; Shelley Finn of Spencer; Donna M. Gauthier of North
Brookfield; Megan M.F. Halloran of Spencer; Mary Truhel of North
Brookfield and Paulette Adams of North Brookfield.
They found small bone fragments and pieces of wood three meters
down, but no one can say for sure whether the remains are human or if
they are those of Mrs. Hill. Sketchy records from the former asylum
indicated the grave should be empty. About a decade ago, a marker
bearing someone else's name was placed on the spot.
But Ms. Finn, with the help of record keepers at the center,
found a handwritten notation indicating Mrs. Hill was buried in that
grave. A ground-penetrating radar study done in May showed something
below the surface and once the grave was open, a band of discolored dirt
seemed to indicate something had been placed there, Funeral Director
Robert Pillsbury said.
Claire L. Gold, an anthropology professor at University of
Massachusetts at Boston, identified the wood and bone fragments but
could not confirm the source. She said she'd have expected to find more,
including larger bones, but couldn't rule out the possibility that what
was found was Mrs. Hill's remains.
Still, Ms. Finn is sure, and she's not alone.
“We have as much of her earthly remains as we're going to come
up with,” Mr. Pillsbury said, as he zipped closed a body bag containing
the fragments and some soil from the site last week. The committee
members carried the bag from Shrewsbury, and yesterday carried the
casket to the new grave, then lowered it with ropes.
Clad in a period undertaker's outfit, Mr. Pillsbury yesterday
smiled as about 125 people gathered to pay their respects. Cecelia
Lubelczyk portrayed Mrs. Hill, giving an overview of her life and the
wrongs so many had committed against her.
“They took me from my home,” she wept. “Away from my babies. ... I'm not crazy.”
State Sen. Stephen M. Brewer, D-Barre, spoke of the injustices perpetrated against those committed to asylums.
Rev. David J. Libby offered prayers at the church and graveside.
Leslie Munns, describing the sometimes emotional journey, said
through their work, “Some of us have found our great grandmothers, our
grandmothers, our mothers and some of us, have found ourselves.”