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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Groom Bride Town & Date Issue Date
Alden, Dr. Samuel of Hanover Boardman, Miss Sarah Lancaster, NH 8/11/1834
Allard, Welcom of Newark Stoddard, Miss Celicia of Sutton Sutton  Dec 3d 12/12/1840
Allen, Ethan Jr. Sabin, Miss Zilpha Brownington 12/8/1834
Allen, George A. Esq. of Burlington Rathbone, Miss Sophia of Middlebury Middlebury 10/14/1833
Allen, John G.  Crane, Miss Nancy Greensboro 3/10/1834
Allyn, Alpha of Charleston, VT Nash, Miss Adelaide of Montpelier Montpelier  Feb 23 3/6/1837
Anderson, John Jr. of Barnet Chick, Alvira of Barnet Barnet 12/1/1834
Andrews, Sidney R. Washburn, Miss Susanna S. Guildhall 1/28/1833
Arlin, Madison Wallis, Miss Abigail Wheelock 5/23/1840
Arms, Doc. Charles C. of Waterbury Mills, Miss Lucia Stow 12/16/1833
Ashley, Jas. B. MD of Magnolia Morrill, Miss Mary A. Hennepin, Ill  12th inst 7/20/1839
Atkins, Ira Esq. of Hardwick Hawley, Widow Cynthia P. of Danville Albany, VT 1/28/1833
Atwood, Capt William of Cornish, NH King, Miss Betsey B. of Woodstock Woodstock 1/5/1835
Babbitt, John Winthrop MD of Danville Walker, Miss Philinda of Gorham, NY Gorham, NY   16th ult 8/4/1834
Badger, Amasa  Gilson, Miss Nancy St Johnsbury Nov 27 12/5/1840
Badger, John C. Cook, Miss Betsey H. Danville   11th inst 8/19/1833
Baily, Kiah B. Ward, Miss Emily Hardwick  14th inst 3/31/1838
Baily, Thomas of Berlin Benjamin, Miss Hannah of Berlin Montpelier 8/3/1835
Baird, Bartlett of Barnet Harrimon, Miss Sarah Ann of Danville Danville   28th ult 6/19/1837
Baker, Harmon of Essex Brooks, Miss Victorine V. St Albans 1/27/1834
Ballou, Aaron of Dalton, NH Willey, Miss Armenia of Waterford Waterford    Sept 2 9/7/1839
Barber, Edward D. Esq. Wainwright, Miss Lucy Middlebury 10/21/1833
Barber, Loomaie Patterson, Miss Sophia Hartland 2/11/1833
Barker, Stephen Smith, Miss Celinda Windsor 4/1/1833
Barnam, Philemon Thomas, Miss Rebecca Monkton 2/18/1833
Barnes, Standish D Standish, Miss Marion E. Montpelier 11/25/1833
Barney, George C. Turner, Miss Nancy St Johnsbury 1/14/1833
Barron, Micah of Bath, NH Wetherbee, Miss George Ann K. Danville  15th inst 1/21/1833
Bartlett, Thomas Esq. Smith, Miss Harriet Groton   13th inst 9/21/1835
Bascomb, Levi of Strafford Morse, Miss Electa of Chelsea Chelsea 10/10/1836
Batchelder, Joshua M. of Cabot & Potton Powell, Miss Azubah of Broome, LC Broome, LC 6/29/1835
Batchelder, Sylvester C. Eastman, Miss Sarah Danville 12/2/1833
Batchelder, Wright of Stanstead Ingalls, Miss Mary Ann of Danville Danville   10th inst 7/13/1839
Batcheldor, Nathaniel of Goshen Gore Haines, Miss Achsah Walden   Feb 13 3/17/1834
Bates, Rev. Merritt of Burlington Woodward, Miss Eliza Ann Plattsburg, NY 8/11/1834
Baxter, Carlos Esq. Deming, Miss Caroline Burlington 5/27/1833
Baxter, John W. of Derby Goss, Miss Lydia F. Montpelier  22d inst 10/3/1840
Bayley, William H. H. of Fairlee, VT Dickson, Miss Mary of Danville Danville   14th inst 5/30/1836
Bean, Silas of Lunenburg Stiles, Miss Harriet Danville   16th inst 2/24/1834
Bedel, Timothy W. Bean, Mrs. Anna Woodbury 7/6/1835
Beedy, David of Lyndon Miles, Miss Martha of Sheffield Sheffield 12/12/1836
Bell, James D. Warner, Miss Caroline Hardwick 1/26/1835
Benjamin, George W. of Burlington Powell, Miss Adaline of Malone, NY Burlington 9/9/1833
Bennet, P. C. MD of Vershire Gilman, Miss Eveline Thetford 11/25/1833
Bennett, Almon S. of Newbury Wheeler, Miss Melona M. of St J. St Johnsbury 1/20/1834
Bennett, George W. of Bradleyvale Blancher, Miss Mary R. of Bradleyvale Bradleyvale  10th inst 5/30/1840
Benton, William R. Hibbard, Miss Sophia Stanstead 11/25/1833
Bickford, Ebenezer Esq. True, Miss Arabella A. Sutton  May 30 6/13/1836
Bickford, James H. of Danville Drew, Miss Minerva of Danville Danville   21st inst 2/23/1838
Bickford, Stephen B.  Powers, Miss Harriet of Lyndon Sheffield 12/12/1836
Bigelow, Rufus of Danville Prescott, Miss Nancy of Danville Danville  Feb 25 3/31/1834
Billings, Nelson of Windsor Glazier, Miss Harriet of Windsor Springfield 4/1/1833
Bingham, Asahel Child, Miss Lucinda Johnson   Oct 19 11/7/1840
Bingham, Warner Esq. of Concord, VT Rankin, Miss Laura of Danville Danville  30th ult 5/23/1840
Black, Benjamin P. of Berlin Train, Miss Sarah Bethel 7/29/1833
Blair, Capt Robert of Barnet Allen, Miss Nancy of Barnet Barnet   16th inst 7/27/1839
Blaisdell, Hiram Somers, Miss Janett Barnet 3/11/1833
Blake, Henry Jr. of Greensboro Phillips,  Miss Rosaenah P. of Glover Glover  27th ult 5/4/1839
Blake, William of Derby Kendall, Miss Caroline of Derby Derby 10/14/1833
Blancher, Joseph T. of Bradleyvale Hall, Miss Julian of Victory Bradleyvale  10th inst 5/30/1840
Blodgett, Milo B. of Hardwick Field, Miss Ann Eliza of Danville Danville  17th inst 6/29/1839
Bly, James Jr. Brigham, Miss Elvira Norwich 1/7/1833
Boardman, Amos W. Shedd, Miss Mary Eliza Hardwick   June 2 6/15/1839
Bond, Gilman of Cavendish, VT Hemphill, Miss Calista of Acworth, NH Acworth, NH 8/11/1834
Bosworth, Ariel of Albany Lee, Mrs. Harriet of Albany Albany   March 20 4/4/1836
Boynton, Lyman B.  Webster, Miss Roxana Danville   1st inst 5/6/1833
Bradbury, Benjamin Jr. of Danville Parker, Mrs. Martha of Danville Danville  12th inst 2/20/1837
Braddish, Cyrus of Haverhill, NH Batchelder, Miss Hannah of Goshen Gore Goshen Gore 7/29/1833
Brag, Denman Smith, Miss Betsey Rutland 10/14/1833
Bridge, Barzelia Jr. Lamson, Miss Lucina Windsor 5/6/1833
Bridgeman, John Jr. of Williamsburg, NY Vincent, Miss Ann W. of Walden Walden   3d inst 9/7/1835
Briggs, Lemuel W. MD of Bristol, RI Woodruff, Miss Betsey of Castleton Castleton 2/17/1834
Brock, Thomas of Barnet Craig, Miss Eliza of Ryegate Barnet   10th inst 1/16/1837
Brockway, Willard of Sutton Goodell, Miss Betsey of Lyndon Lyndon 1/7/1833
Brown, David Esq. of Danville Peck, Miss Henrietta of Lyndon Lyndon  15th inst 9/19/1840
Brown, Ephraim C. of Peacham Weeks, Miss Betsey of Lyndon Lyndon  1st inst 1/18/1840
Brown, Hosea Hawkins, Miss Lydia Calais 7/1/1833
Brown, Jeremiah of Bethel King, Miss Nancy F. of Tunbridge Tunbridge 5/13/1833
Brown, John Fuller, Miss Amelia Danville   Wed last 10/20/1834
Brown, Joseph F. of Barton Skeele, Miss Sophronia of Danville Danville   7th inst 3/18/1833
Bruce, Gilbert of NYC Gage, Miss Mary Jane of St J. St Johnsbury July 25 8/10/1839
Bruce, Joseph of Cabot Fish, Miss Nancy of Woodbury Woodbury 9/7/1835
Bruce, Samuel of Barnet Coats, Caroline of Peacham Danville 11/23/1835
Brush, Hiram C. of St. Albans Fairfield, Miss Fanny of Jericho Jericho 3/4/1833
Buchanan, Peter of Barnet Dickinson, Miss Maria Lyman, NH 3/11/1833
Buckminster, Maj. William Shepard, Mrs. Abigail Danville  Sun last 11/14/1840
Buel, Samuel T. of Plattsburg, NY Briggs, Miss Jane of Rochester Rochester 8/11/1834
Bunday, Gelusha J. of Sutton Bartlett, Miss Mary Ann of Sutton Sutton  Feb 15 5/29/1837
Burbank, Gustavus A. of Newbury Wetherbee, Miss Betsey of Danville Danville   20th inst 5/26/1838
Burbank, Silas Jr. of Montpelier Barron, Miss Mary A. L. Bradford 4/28/1834
Burke, Jacob P. H.  Hubbard, Miss Mary Jane Hartland 9/30/1833
Burrell, James O'Farrell, Miss Joanna of Burlington Burlington 3/11/1833
Burton, Albert S. of St Albans Beardsey, Miss Prudence H. of Kent, CT Kent, CT 8/11/1834
Cady, Rufus Burgess, Miss Mary Cambridge 5/13/1833
Caldwell, Samuel C. of Chambly, LC Ware, Miss Patty M. Montpelier 3/4/1833
Camp, Cyrus of Hanover, NH Knapp, Miss Nancy M. of Peter Knapp St Johnsbury 2d inst 3/23/1839
Capron, Nathan of Walden Eaton, Miss Elizabeth B. of Marshfield Marshfield  5th ult 6/8/1839
Capron, William of Williamstown Dunsyre, Miss Mary R. of Danville Danville   23d inst 9/28/1839
Carpenter, Austin Walbridge, Miss Harriet P. Brookfield 11/11/1833
Carpenter, Dr. Alvah Cook, Miss Ann Julia Lucilla Corinth 9/16/1833
Carr, Milton Haviland, Miss Phebe C. Danville 3/3/1834
Carr, Prentiss of Walden Kittridge, Miss Laura of Danville Danville   7th inst 1/11/1840
Cass, Hiram of Barton Sturdevant, Miss Loraine of Barton Brownington  28th ult 8/3/1839
Cate, Elisha Jr. of Walden English, Miss Mary C. of Walden Walden  11th inst 1/16/1837
Chace, Lyman of Woodbury Daily, Miss Lydia of Calais Calais   6th inst 1/18/1837
Chamberlain, Capt Harry of Danville Smith, Miss Sarah D. of Pomfret Pomfret  Dec 3 12/12/1840
Chamberlin, Albert Hartshorn, Miss Louisa Danville  24th inst 9/28/1835
Chamberlin, Myron of Lyndon Morse, Miss Charlotte J. K. of Barnet Barnet   2d inst 1/6/1838
Chandler, Jeremiah Hawkins, Miss Hannah Barnston, LC 4/1/1833
Chandler, Joshua Jr. of Piermont, NH Durgin, Miss Louisa of St J. St J   24th ult 3/16/1835
Chapman, David of St J. & Danville Brown, Miss Rhoda of Waterford Waterford 10/12/1835
Chase, Jonathan of Loudon, NH Page, Miss Phebe of Danville Danville   2d inst 2/13/1837
Cheever, Moses R. Pope, Miss Mary Ann Hardwick  April 6 5/8/1837
Cheever, Nathaniel Jr. of Hardwick Ramsdell, Miss Ann E. of Danville Danville    28th ult 2/2/1835
Chesley, George W.     Berry, Miss Janeson Sheffield 12/12/1836
Chesley, George W. of Sheffield Berry, Miss Tamson of Sheffield Sutton   3d ult 2/1/1836
Chester, Charles of Clinton, Alabama Yeomans, Miss Caroline of Norwich, VT Sumpterville, SC 4/22/1833
Chickering, Arad of ST J. Peck, Miss Phebe of Danville Danville  25th inst 8/31/1839
Chickering, Edmund of Danville Batchelder, Miss Rebecca of Danville Danville  Jan 1 1/5/1835
Child, Alden of Corinth Atherton, Miss Betsey of Canaan, NY Pomfret 7/15/1833
Choate, Samuel P. Sias, Miss Harriet Danville 10/7/1833
Clark, Gideon H. Watts, Miss Harriet  Peacham  3d inst 7/20/1839
Clark, James Jr. Blanchard, Miss Emily Danville   26th ult 3/4/1833
Clark, Simeon S. of Irasburg Skeele, Miss Caroline of Danville Danville    22d inst 10/27/1834
Clarke, Augustine Esq. Hubbard, Mrs. Julia Montpelier  1st inst 1/11/1840
Clarke, Charles A. of Glover Hill, Miss Fanny M. of Sutton Sutton  Dec 19 1/5/1839
Clarke, George W. of Danville Shelden, Miss Mary S. of Danville Danville  Jan 6 1/12/1835
Clough, Benjamin of Sandbornton Bowers, Miss Caroline Bridgewater, MA 12/16/1833
Cobb, E. G. of Salem Heath, Miss Nancy M. of Wm Heath of N'umberland Derby 12/16/1833
Cobb, Gardner W. of Burke Roberts, Miss Vilettra M. of St J. St Johnsbury 26th ult 4/11/1840
Cobb, George N. of Montpelier Day, Miss Mary E. Burlington 2/8/1836
Cobb, Timothy C. Adams, Miss Mary P. Barton    29th ult 4/13/1835
Cobleigh, Hosea of Burke Smith, Miss Eliza of Burke Burke 2/6/1837
Coburn, Hiram Osgood, Miss Ruth Cabot 4/6/1835
Coffin, Samuel of Concord, NH Sargeant, Miss Elvira Peacham  Oct 11 10/21/1833
Colby, Isaac Sinclair, Miss Louisa Danville   18th inst 6/23/1834
Colby, John F.  Higgins, Miss Maria Danville   13th inst 3/30/1839
Colby, John of Danville Kellam, Miss Mary C. of Barton Barton   Jan 1 1/12/1839
Cole, Ebenezer W. of Detroit Damon, Miss Fanny M. of Charleston, VT Danville   15th inst 5/22/1837
Cole, Stephen H. of Whitefield, NH Lowell, Miss Nancy of Danville Danville 1/6/1834
Coleman, Leander Stevens, Miss Julia Williston 4/22/1833
Collins, Stephen of St. Albans Cooner, Miss Thankful of Wheelock Wheelock  17th inst 2/23/1838
Collins, Timothy B. Swain, Miss Charlotte Reading 3/11/1833
Colton, Benjamin F. Knight, Miss Susan Waterbury 7/13/1835
Conner, Alvin T. Meserve, Miss Eleanor N. Wheelock 6/15/1839
Conner, Silas S. of Woodbury Slayton, Miss Eleanor C. of Cabot Cabot  May 15 5/23/1836
Converse, Rev. J. Allen, Miss Sarah of Hon. Heman Allen Burlington 6/16/1834
Cook, Horace  Gibb, Miss Caira Malvina of T. W. Gibb of Danville Hinesburgh Aug 27 9/7/1839
Corham, Ervin Caswell, Miss Catherine St Johnsbury  Sept 29 10/10/1840
Cornell, J. C. Shedd, Miss Leafy Royalton 7/1/1833
Covell, Calvin E. of Williston Buel, Miss Charlotte N. of Essex Essex 7/15/1833
Cowles, James C. Mattocks, Miss Catharine Peacham 9/30/1833
Crane, Romanus of Greensboro Goodrich, Miss Cenith of Hardwick Hardwick  15th inst 4/28/1838
Currier, John White, Miss Laura Norwich 1/7/1833
Currier, Samuel Blaisdell, Miss Mahala Norwich 1/7/1833
Curtis, O. Wallis, Miss M. Cambridge 7/8/1833
Cutler, Orrin of Boston Leavenworth, Miss Mary Jane of Danville Danville  24th inst 5/30/1840
Cutting, Charles Hill, Miss Mary Greensboro 1/7/1833
Cutting, Col. Jonas Prouty, Miss Delia A. Danville  2d inst 10/7/1833
Cutting, Israel of Cabot Harvey, Miss Emeline R. of Danville Danville  25th inst 6/29/1839
Daggett, Freeman of Montpelier Ingalls, Miss Calista of Barre Barre 6/16/1834
Dana, Daniel P. Esq. of Peoria, Il Porter, Miss Mary A. of Danville Danville   Jan 29 2/6/1837
Dana, George Washington of Woodstock Snow, Miss Abby Freeman of Woodstock S Woodstock 6/16/1834
Dana, Israel P. of Danville & Albion, NY Dotton, Miss Almira L. of Hartford Hartford  29th ult 8/17/1839
Dana, John Hartshorn, Miss Abigail Danville 12/23/1833
Dana, Oscar E. Esq. of Cabot & Wisc. Mclean, Miss Susan of Cabot Cabot 8/10/1839
Daniels, Addison of Putney Miller, Miss Lucy of Dummerston Dummerston 11/4/1833
Darrow, E. R. of Utica, NY Kellum, Miss Augusta M. of Irasburg Irasburg   15th inst 10/3/1840
Davenport, Rufus C. of Danville Way, Miss Zilpha of Peacham Peacham  March 31 4/12/1839
Davis, Oran Perkins, Miss Cynthia Wheelock 6/22/1835
Dean, Cyrus S.  Lyon, Miss Mary Jane of Shelburne Shelburne 5/20/1833
Dean, Nathaniel P. of St J Farr, Miss Lepha of Danville Danville 9/7/1835
Deming, Rev Reuben H. of NH Richardson, Mrs. Mary Ann dau of Hon John Dana Cabot   16th inst 8/31/1835
Dennett, Stephen E. of Eden Hartshorn, Miss Martha J. Danville  March 3 3/16/1839
Densmore, Ira of Chelsea Morse, Miss Charlotte of Chelsea Chelsea  27th ult 10/10/1836
Dewey, Calvin of Barnet McNab, Miss Sarah of Dr. J. McNab of Barnet McIndoe's Fall June 21 7/3/1837
Divoll, Lucius Walton, Miss Lucinda Groton  Aug 2 8/19/1837
Dodge, Dr. William of Cabot Davis, Miss Abigail N. of Hardwick Hardwick   June 1 7/13/1835
Dodge, Josiah Webber, Miss Hannah C.  Hardwick   5th inst 2/16/1839
Donoghue, Thomas Hicks, Miss Emeline Windsor 5/6/1833
Doran, James of Waltham Ashworth, Miss Eliza Vergennes 7/29/1833
Doty, Charles G. of Hardwick Mallory, Miss Maria R. Montpelier 6/8/1835
Dow, Ira Morgan, Miss Martha Wheelock 6/22/1835
Dow, Isaac of Derby & Danville Southmayd, Miss Elizabeth S. Castleton  17th ult 2/8/1840
Dow, Mr. Morgan, Miss Patty Wheelock 5/25/1835
Dow, William of Derby Willson, Miss Louisa of Derby Derby   Dec 2 2/1/1840
Drew, Francis Jr. Blount, Miss Sarah M. Danville  8th inst 3/14/1840
Drown, Daniel Kinniston, Miss Harriet Sheffield 12/12/1836
Drown, Henry age 22 Berry, Miss Mary age 44 Sheffield 9/30/1833
Du Boi, Joseph of Trois Riereis, LC Ford, Mrs. Hepsebeth widow of John Ford Esq. Peacham (4th inst) 2/16/1839
Duffie, Thomas Hallaran, Miss Joanna Burlington 2/11/1833
Dunham, Nelson of Newport, NH Hurd, Miss Abigail of Danville Danville  7th inst 2/16/1839
Durgin, Asa of Danville Merrill, Miss Abah of Peeling, NH Peeling, NH  17th ult 2/8/1836
Durkee, Charles of Chelsea Dana, Miss Catharine of Cabot Cabot 6/17/1833
Durkee, Moses of Stockbridge Holden, Miss Rosetta E. of Rochester Rochester  Jan 1 1/26/1839
Eastman, Cyrus of Littleton, NH Tilton, Miss Susan F. of Danville Danville  28th ult 12/1/1838
Eastman, Jonathan of Danville Blanchard, Mrs. Mariam of Peacham Peacham  9th inst 1/18/1840
Eaton, William Hawkins, Miss Nancy Ann Danville  July 7 7/15/1833
Edson, Royal Arnold, Miss Adaline Randolph 9/30/1833
Edwards, Amasa T. S. of Walden Mansfield, Miss Chloe of Barton Barton  13th ult 4/12/1839
Eldridge, David Powers, Miss Ruba Wells River 12/2/1833
Ellerd, John Gaghagan, Miss Mary Burlington 2/11/1833
Ellis, George W. of Castleton Swallow, Miss Mary of Windsor Windsor 6/16/1834
Elsworth, Aaron of Peacham Northy, Miss Polly M. of Peacham Peacham 2/11/1833
Emerson, John Ward, Miss Vilinda N Danville  March 17 5/4/1835
Emerson, Moses of Danville Wheeler, Miss Almira Indiana     Dec 7 1/19/1835
Emery, Simeon  Sterns, Miss Pymelia G. of Danville Hatley, LC 1/16/1837
Esterbrook, Edwin of Danville Hosmer, Miss Julia M. of Waterford Waterford 6/3/1833
Evans, C. W. of Peacham Bowman, Miss of Littleton, NH Littleton, NH 3/16/1835
Evans, Dr. Ira of Piermont, NH Hobart, Miss Emeline Berlin 2/17/1834
Evans, Horace Esq. of Lyndon Barron, Mrs. Georgianna K. of Danville Danville ?      Jan 4 1/6/1838
Evans, Stephen Jr. of Peacham Harvey, Miss Mary Jane of Danville Danville  2d inst 12/12/1840
Fairbank, T. R. Esq. Stevens, Miss Catharine of Solomon Stevens of Barnet Barnet   Sept 22 10/3/1840
Farr, Hosea of Waterford Colby, Miss Sarah Ann Danville 3/18/1833
Farrington, David G. of S. Walden Livingston, Miss Sophia E. of Albany Albany     5/2/1840
Fay, Rev. Charles Hopkins, Miss Charlotte E. Burlington 9/16/1833
Field, Rev. Samuel  Fuller, Miss Mary H. Danville 2/4/1833
Fisher, Hiram M. of Danville Porter, Miss Sylvia M. of Danville Danville 12/12/1836
Fisher, Joel H. of Danville Ross, Miss Fidelia of Barnet Barnet   23d ult 4/18/1836
Fisher, John M. of Danville Bronson, Miss Delinda G. of Hardwick Hardwick    24th ult 4/18/1836
Fisk, Z. W. of Swanton Vail, Miss Miretta Montpelier 11/10/1834
Fleming, J. T. of Alburgh, VT Young, Miss Martha of Christie Manor, LC Rouse's Point, NY 8/3/1835
Flint, Moses V. Esq. of Montpelier Cutting, Miss Adaline F. of Danville Danville   last Tues 5/27/1833
Flint, Porter Bacon, Miss Phoebe Williamstown 4/1/1833
Folsom, Theophilus Hoffman, Miss Amanda Lyndon 12/8/1834
Foss, Thomas of Rumney, NH Butler, Miss Amy W. Topsham 11/2/1835
Foster, John of Peacham Stewart, Miss Luda of Peacham Peacham 2/11/1833
Fraser, Daniel Gibbs, Mrs. Dulcena Pomfret 7/1/1833
French, Ezra of Meredith, NH Huse, Miss Sally B. of Danville Danville   27th ult 6/3/1833
French, Samuel B. of Randolph Perry, Miss Mary Burlington 5/13/1833
French, William H.  Whitney, Miss Amelia Williston 10/14/1833
Fry, Eben of Concord Willis, Miss Mary W. of Kirby Kirby     11/1/1836
Fuller, Joseph F. of St J. Porter, Miss Catherine B. of Danville Danville   Wed last 3/26/1836
Gage, Daniel of Marshfield Weeks, Miss Ruth of Danville Danville  13th inst 9/21/1835
Gallaher, Thomas Jr. Esq.  Morrill, Miss Aurora of Dr Jacob Morrill of Sutton, VT Hennepin, Ill  12th inst 7/20/1839
Gilchrist, Archibald of Barnet Heath, Miss Susan of Lyman Lyman, NH  Dec 13 1/5/1839
Gilkerson, Bartholomew Warden, Miss Margaret Barnet 3/11/1833
Gilkerson, John Warden, Miss Nancy Barnet 3/11/1833
Gilliff, Willis Robinson, Miss Ann Hubbardton 1/14/1833
Gilman, William H. Esq. of Ascot, LC Walker, Miss Juliet Maria of Col Joel Walker Peacham   Dec 18 1/12/1835
Gilson, Benjamin  Morrill, Miss Catharine Danville   18th inst 5/23/1836
Gilson, Dea. Lewis of Danville Peck, Miss Ann Eliza of Lyndon Lyndon 11/30/1835
Goodenough, Phineas of Peacham Allen, Miss Mary of Barnet Barnet  12th inst 12/29/1838
Goodwin, Alfred of Charleston, VT Colby, Miss Rhoda S. of Barton Barton   8th inst 4/20/1835
Goodwin, Benjamin F. Bailey, Miss Hannah W. Stanstead 5/13/1833
Goss, William A. Nye, Miss Melvina Montpelier 1/21/1833
Gould, Bennet of Peacham Marsh, Miss Sarah of Danville Danville  Sept 18 10/14/1833
Gould, Edward of Walden Haviland, Miss Mary of Danville Danville 12/9/1833
Granger, Edward L. Brown, Miss Mary W. Pittsford 2/11/1833
Gray, Samuel D.  Kinniston, Miss Alvira Sheffield 12/12/1836
Gray, William H. Bingham, Miss Sarah Sheffield 12/12/1836
Green, William Esq. Sheldon, Miss Lucy Sheldon 10/14/1833
Gregory, Hubbell S. of Leona, Mich Walbridge, Miss Martha of Peacham Peacham  8th ult 4/18/1840
Grinnel, Harmon S. of Bristol Pier, Miss Harriet of Lincoln Lincoln 2/18/1833
Griswold, Hiram F. of Burlington Lamport, Miss Harriet R. of Port Kent Port Kent, NY 3/17/1834
Griswold, Hon. William A. of Burlington Adams, Miss Pamelia Waterbury  19th inst 1/6/1834
Guile, James Jr. of Danville Hill, Miss Fanny of Danville Danville   1/30/1837
Guile, John of Danville Porter, Miss Clarissa of Danville Danville  16th ult 11/21/1836
Guilford, Doct. Rufus of Leicester Atwood, Widow Phebe of Bristol Bristol 2/18/1833
Haines, Jonathan of Walden Haviland, Miss Ann C. Danville   March 6 3/17/1834
Haines, Josiah Ames, Miss Polly Canterbury, NH 3/9/1835
Hale, Leonard E. of Waterford Jones, Miss Sarah A. of Waterford Waterford  4th inst 9/28/1839
Hale, Moses E. Vincent, Miss Maria L. Montpelier 2/8/1836
Hall, John G. of Cabot Stanton, Miss Lucy S. Danville   Feb 26 3/7/1840
Hall, Joseph of Waterford Johnson, Miss Catharine F. Whitefield, NH 5/6/1833
Hall, Solomon of Sheffield Clifford, Miss Polly Barnet   March 7 3/23/1839
Hall, Thomas of Shipton, LC Langmaid, Miss Betsey W. of Danville Danville   31st ult 2/8/1836
Hall, William of St J. French, Miss Betsey Maria of St J. St Johnsbury 5/19/1834
Hancock, James Durgin, Miss Freedom St Johnsbury Oct 16 1/9/1837
Hancock, Samuel Goss, Miss Sarah Ann Hardwick  March 31 4/18/1840
Hand, John B. Peak, Miss Elizabeth J. Peacham 1/5/1835
Harmon,  Daniel W. Moore, Miss Nancy A. Burlington 12/23/1833
Harris, Alben Hull, Miss Caroline Danville 1/7/1833
Harris, Levi Bolton, Miss Abigail Danville   July 31 7/8/1833
Harris, Timothy of Danville Porter, Miss Hannah of Danville Danville  22d ult 12/5/1840
Harris, William Smith, Miss Caroline Danville   6th 5/11/1835
Hart, Daniel M. of Wheelock Shattuck, Miss Emily of Danville Danville 3/24/1834
Hartshorn, Ephraim of Danville West, Miss Lucina of Danville Danville 6/19/1837
Harvey, Joel of St J. How, Mrs. Ann M. of Concord Concord  16th ult 4/11/1836
Harvey, Lyman K. of Barnet Danforth, Miss Betsey of Danville Danville 6/16/1834
Harvey, Norman  Gibbs, Miss Betsey Bennington 10/14/1833
Hatch, Charles P. of Topsham Wood, Miss Lucy of Chelsea Chelsea 1/14/1833
Hatch, Moses Cairnes, Miss Jane Groton  June 30 7/18/1836
Haviland, Frederick P. of Danville & Waterville, ME Colby, Miss Patty E. of Danville Danville   23d inst 7/27/1835
Haviland, Richard G. Chickering, Miss Rhoda Danville ? 1/6/1838
Haviland, Stephen C. Kelsey, Miss Judith Danville   3d inst 4/11/1836
Hawes, Daniel Rider, Miss Laura Barnet  Jan 6 1/16/1837
Hawes, William  Asbury, Miss Sophia of Olney Fuller MD of Danville Danville  17th inst 5/23/1836
Hawkins, Allen of Castleton Snow, Miss Phebe of Castleton Hampton, NY 2/18/1833
Hawkins, Benjamin Ellis, Widow Achsah Danville   1st inst 9/9/1833
Hawkins, Peter of Danville Page, Mrs. Eliza Ann of Bridgeton, ME Danville    4/11/1836
Hawley, James Sinclear, Miss Cynthia Danville 4/29/1833
Hayward, Lewis of Lisbon, NH Smith, Miss Margaret of St J. St Johnsbury 29th ult 11/7/1840
Heath, Caleb of Barnet Leonards, Miss Hannah M. of Danville Danville  May 8 6/13/1840
Heath, Ebenezer P. of Wheelock Folsom, Miss Mahala of Wheelock Wheelock  2d ult 5/8/1837
Heath, Hollis Esq. Cochran, Miss Sally Wheelock 2/23/1839
Heath, John E. of Wheelock Cochran, Mrs. Rebecca L. of Wheelock Wheelock  19th ult 2/3/1838
Hefflin, Vernon Perry, Miss Susannah Woodstock 12/2/1833
Hemenway, S. S. Esq. of Barnard Pierce, Miss Susan S. of Lebanon, NH Lebanon, NH 3/11/1833
Henderson, Capt Thomas C. of Hardwick Badger, Miss Maria of Hardwick Danville 12/12/1836
Henry, Orin of Middlesex Ellis, Miss Lucy of Orford, NH Orford, NH 1/28/1833
Hewes, Charles E. Sias, Miss Abigail Danville   11th inst 5/19/1834
Hewes, Frederick Augustus of Chelsea Andrus, Miss Sarah C. of Chelsea Chelsea  8th inst 9/26/1840
Hibbard, Capt Edwin Brigham, Miss Catharine Norwich 1/7/1833
Hidden, Henry H. of Craftsbury West, Miss Mary Jane of Danville Danville   18th inst 2/23/1839
Hill, Charles of Lyndon Blanchard, Miss Abiah of Lyndon Lyndon  Feb 19 3/6/1837
Hill, Joseph C. of Whitefield, NH Webb, Miss Mary Ann Lunenburg 4/1/1833
Hill, Moses K. Shattuck, Miss Sally Danville   9th inst 3/17/1834
Hill, N. S. Esq. Crafts, Miss Mary Craftsbury 7/22/1833
Hinman, Aaron S(tew)art, Miss Nancy Derby 11/10/1834
Hodge, Hiram D. of Marshfield Joslin, Miss Melinda of Waitsfield Waitsfield 1/5/1835
Hodgman, L. Stearns, Miss Bridget Cambridge 2/2/1835
Hoffman, Frederick Esq. Hubbard, Miss Fanny Lyndon 12/8/1834
Hoit, Joseph of Lyndon Mattherson, Miss Sarah Ann of Wheelock Wheelock 5/23/1840
Hoit, Wendell S. of Concord May, Miss Harriet P. of Concord ST Johnsbury  Dec 1(0) 12/29/1838
Holton, Adolphus Jr. of Concord Morse, Miss Hannah of Concord Concord, VT     1/26/1839
Holton, Lyman H. of Concord Hill, Miss Cynthia N. of Concord Concord, VT 15th inst 1/26/1839
Homan, Charles Taylor, Miss Almira Wells River 12/2/1833
Hood, Elihu Steven, Miss Eliza Chelsea 3/11/1833
Hood, Ira Green, Miss A. Washington 4/29/1833
Hosmer, Eldridge Sabin, Miss Faith C. Craftsbury 7/22/1833
Hosmer, Marshall W. of Danville Haviland, Miss Sally H. of Danville Danville   27th inst 6/30/1838
Houghton, Henry of Lyndon Cook, Miss Caroline M. of Danville Danville   31st ult 1/5/1835
Howe, Maj. James H. of Troy, NY Wright, Miss Charlotte W. Montpelier 9/9/1833
Hoyt, Barnard Pettengill, Miss Polly Danville ? 3/3/1834
Hubbard, Elias A. of Essex Cty, VT Taylor, Mrs. Maria of Winchester Winchester, VA 9/9/1837
Hubbard, Lumas H. of Burlington Brigham, Miss Louisa St Albans 8/26/1833
Huggaboom, Cornelius Gage, Miss Harriet Jane Ferrisburg 5/13/1833
Hull, Thurbur Hurd, Miss Esther Danville 10/21/1833
Hunt, Ira  Learned, Miss Celia Smith Fairfax 3/4/1833
Hunt, Isaac of Danville Lane, Miss Florinda of Cabot Cabot 6/16/1834
Hunter, William of Sharon Harris, Miss Iscah F. of Danville Burlington  Dec last 2/29/1840
Huntington, John of Rochester Chamberlin, Miss Azubah of Stockbridge Stockbridge, MA Nov 28 1/26/1839
Huntress, Daniel G. of Danville Weeks, Miss Sarah W.  Concord, VT Nov 22 12/5/1840
Huntress, William D. of Danville Sweetser, Miss Eliza Ann of Danville Danville   10/10/1840
Hurd, John of Danville Seaver, Miss Roxana M. of Craftsbury Danville  18th ult 10/6/1834
Hutchinson, George of Whitehall, NY Farnsworth, Miss Eunice Burlington 6/16/1834
Hutchinson, Thomas Sumner, Miss Almira Worcester 7/13/1835
Irish, David of Shelburne Lyon, Miss Leonora of Charlotte Shelburne 3/4/1833
Jackson, Jacob S. Esq. of Woodbury Johnson, Miss Judith H. of Craftsbury Craftsbury  7th inst 6/30/1838
Jay, Nehemiah H. of Columbia, NH Parmelee, Miss Susan S. of Danville Canaan, VT 1/28/1833
Jennes, Hiram Esq. Chesley, Miss Azenath Sheffield 12/12/1836
Jennison, Abijah of Walden Putnam, Miss Mary of Marshfield Marshfield 10/20/1834
Johnson, Benjamin W. Henry, Miss Mary Ryegate 3/10/1834
Johnson, Daniel of Walden Ferguson, Miss Eliza Ann of Lyman, NH Walden  6th inst 9/19/1836
Johnson, John J. H. Lindsay, Miss Louisa M. Barnet   April 6 5/8/1837
Joslin, Josiah of Waterford Hall, Miss Louisa of Waterford Waterford 3/4/1833
Josselyn, Jairus Hitchcock, Miss Esther Woodstock 2/18/1833
Joy, Royal D. Irving, Miss Theresa D. of Putney Bellows Falls 7/1/1833
Judkins, Jason E. Danforth, Miss Betsey       Danville   Jan 12 2/1/1836
Kelley, Ebenezer Fletcher, Miss Lucinda Woodstock 7/1/1833
Kelley, Farnham  Emerson, Miss Eliza N Danville   26th ult 5/4/1835
Kellog, Jesse C. of Stow Wood, Miss Phebe Tunbridge 2/24/1834
Kelsey, Hiram of Wheelock Drew, Mrs. Lydia of Danville Peacham  24th ult 11/3/1838
Kelsey, Hugh Shattuck, Miss Eliza Ann Danville    18th inst 2/23/1835
Kelsey, William Chamberlin, Miss Harriet Norwich 1/7/1833
Kenney, Edward O. of Bethlehem, NH Smith, Miss Nancy S. of Brownington Brownington  8th ult 2/16/1839
Kenney, Elisha of Waterford Benton, Miss Betsey St Johnsbury 2/4/1833
Ketchum, Sidney A. of Plainfield Wright, Miss Lucy A. of St J. St Johnsbury  12th inst 11/24/1838
Kimball, Eliphalet of Cabot Waldo, Miss Philena of Cabot Cabot  June 11 6/30/1834
Kimball, Isaac A. of Mountmorris, NY Winslow, Emily of Burlington Burlington 12/1/1834
Kimball, Isaac Jr. Short, Miss Lydia Peacham   18th inst 3/31/1838
Kimball, Jude Ross, Mrs. Lucy Lyndon  19th inst 9/28/1839
Kimball, Moses Foot, Miss Thirza Lyndon 12/8/1834
Kimball, Sylvester D. Barnard, Miss Abigail M. Barton 12/16/1833
Kingsbury, Lucius of Derby Drakely, Miss Jane E. of Woodbury, CT Derby 10/14/1833
Kinney, Rev. Jonathan of Plainfield Comings, Mrs. Rebecca Berlin 2/17/1834
Kirby, Nelson of Middlebury Arnold, Miss Maria of Middlebury Ripton 3/4/1833
Kittredge, Carlisle D. of Walden English, Miss Sarah C. of Walden Walden  Nov 22 12/8/1838
Kittredge, James of Danville Carter, Miss Judith G. of Lyndon Lyndon  May 7th 6/6/1840
Knapp, Charles H. of St J. Hartshorn, Miss Julia A. of Danville Danville 1/16/1837
Knapp, Hiram of ST J. Brown, Miss Sophronia of Berlin Berlin 7/13/1835
Knapp, Lyscomb of Waterbury Langmaid, Miss Rebecca G. of Danville Danville   29th ult 12/7/1835
Lake, Uriel of Philadelphia Burt, Miss Mary F. of Bellows Falls Bellows Falls 8/26/1833
Lamb, William of Calais Butler, Miss Eveline A. Marshfield 7/1/1833
Lamberton, John of Pomfret, VT Hurd, Miss Cynthia of Croyden, NH Croyden, NH 10/14/1833
Lane, Limes of Barre Owen, Miss Nancy of Bethel Bethel 11/11/1833
Lane, Noah Taylor, Mrs. Sarah Danville   Dec 20 1/5/1839
Lane, Robert Hunt, Miss Roena Danville   2d inst 12/7/1835
Lansing, Wendell Herington, Miss Eliza of Easton Union Village, NY 6/3/1833
Larrabee, Charles T. of Lancaster Colten, Miss Elizabeth of Lancaster Guilford 11/11/1833
Latham, Jasper  McLaughlin, Miss Jane  Chelsea 7/15/1833
Lathrop, David Shepard, Miss Elizabeth Danville 11/9/1835
Lawrence, Carlton of Barnet Welch, Miss Sally of Danville Danville  7th inst 5/27/1833
Leavitt, Daniel W. of Hardwick Barrett, Mrs. Diantha of Woodbury Woodbury 8/5/1837
Lee, Lyman Minor, Miss Elizabeth M. Peacham 12/9/1833
Leighton, Samuel W. of Danville Heath, Miss Cynthia of Danville Danville   30th ult 8/5/1837
Little, James M. of Irasburg Dudley, Miss Sally of Irasburg Danville   3/30/1835
Livingston, Harvey Way, Miss Elizabeth Peacham 2/2/1835
Livingston, Louristen R. of Peacham Osgood, Miss Sarah F. of Cabot Cabot 4/1/1833
London, Orrin of Willsborough, NY Hinckley, Miss Adeline E. Georgia 3/23/1835
Loomis, Horatio C. of Chicago, IL Wait, Miss Harriet of Burlington Burlington 11/2/1835
Loveland, Lewis H. Shaw, Miss Laura J. Danville  15th inst 3/21/1840
Low, Ira Gray, Jane, widow of Andrew Gray of Groton Groton  March 29 4/18/1836
Lowell, Ebenezer  Stocker, Miss Maria H. Danville   23d inst 1/27/1834
Lull, Joel Jr. Donoghue, Mrs. Julia Ann G. Windsor 3/23/1835
Lyford, Thomas Jr. Lance, Miss Hannah Cabot 6/2/1834
Lyon, Persons Allin, Miss Clymena M. Waterbury 11/11/1833
Manning, Henry Andrus, Miss Harriet West Topsham 11/11/1833
Manning, Rev. Edward T.  Reed, Miss Lucia Perkinsville 8/11/1834
Marshall, Alba Mosher, Miss Rebecca F. Royalton 2/11/1833
Martin, Nathaniel H. of Danville Morse, Miss Hannah B. of Danville Danville  16th inst 12/25/1840
Martin, Orren of Peacham Jenison, Miss L. of Peacham Peacham 2/11/1833
Martin, Samuel G. of Lisbon, NH Ward, Miss Mary of Hardwick Hardwick  10th inst 6/20/1840
Mason, Joseph of Barnet Moore, Elizabeth of Barnet Barnet 12/1/1834
Mason, Rev. Perez of ST J. Ayer, Miss Nancy of St J. St Johnsbury 11/9/1835
Matthews, Rawson of Springfield Johnson, Miss Sarah P. of Chester Chester 1/27/1834
Matthewson, Joseph of Lyndon Eastman, Miss Malinda of Danville Danville  Wed last 9/29/1834
Mattison, Alpheus of Shaftsbury Gardner, Miss Elizabeth of Pownal Pownal 5/6/1833
Mattocks, Henry of Danville Porter, Miss Martha O. of Danville Danville  18th inst 9/28/1839
Maynard, Calvin Esq. Jackson, Miss Lydia Bakersfield 11/18/1833
McClarry, Isaac H.  Darling, Miss Emily Albany   27th inst 5/23/1840
McDonald, Amasa S. Sawyer, Miss Pamelia P. Danville   22d ult 2/16/1839
McDuffee, Joseph L. of Cabot Fairfield, Miss Eunice of Jericho, VT              July 17 8/8/1836
McRillis, John Bennis, Miss Louisa Marshfield 2/11/1833
Meigs, Capt Church of Lyndon Padford, Miss Nancy of Lyman, NH Lyndon 12/8/1834
Merriam, William of Glover Phillips, Miss Charlotte B. of Glover Glover  27th ult 5/4/1839
Merrill, Isaac of Stanstead, LC Le Barron, Miss Lucinda of Calais Calais 5/6/1833
Merrill, Stephen Spaulding, Miss Mary Jane Plymouth, NH  28th ult 6/13/1840
Merritt, Capt. Hiram Hutchinson, Miss Sarah Danville   19th inst 12/29/1838
Merritt, Hiram of Danville Kelsey, Miss Mary N. of Danville Danville   12th inst 4/20/1835
Messerve, George W. Conner, Miss Sophronia Wheelock 1/5/1835
Miles, Cotton E. of Hinesburgh Lawrence, Miss Luretia E. of Monkton Monkton 3/4/1833
Miles, Orin of Danville Clark, Miss Eunice of Danville Danville   6th inst 3/14/1836
Miles, William of Lyndon Goodwin, Miss Olive Piermont, NH 9/14/1835
Mitchell, Thomas of Chelsea Hines, Miss Anne of Chelsea Strafford 2/2/1835
Monson, Levi of Moretown Atherton, Miss Mercy of Middlesex Middlesex 1/28/1833
Montgomery, Sereno of Wm Montgomery of Walden Foster, Miss Caroline of Merrill Foster of Walden Walden  5th inst 12/14/1839
Morgan, Benjamin Nelson, Miss Abigail Wheelock 5/25/1835
Morgan, James Curtis, Miss Sarah Windsor 7/22/1833
Morgan, Salmon of Montpelier Morris, Miss Catharine of Kirby Kirby     1/11/1836
Morrill, Calvin Esq. Lee, Miss Sophronia of Waterford St Johnsbury  Dec 18 1/12/1835
Morrill, Capt Manning of Danville Houghton, Miss Miriam of Lyndon Lyndon   21st ult 2/1/1836
Morrill, Eleazer D. Heath, Miss Olive Danville ?  21st inst 8/31/1839
Morrill, Ira Pillsbury, Miss Mary R. Danville   28th ult 3/11/1833
Morrill, William S.  Drown, Miss Eleanor H.  Danville   10th ult 4/12/1839
Morrison, Samuel of Barnet Pierce, Miss Janet of Barnet Barnet 12/1/1834
Morse, David W. of Danville Dole, Miss Laura of Danville Danville ? 1/6/1838
Morse, John Hosmer, Miss Elizabeth St Johnsbury 1/14/1833
Morse, Nathan W. of Hardwick Stevens, Miss Malvinia Franconia   Feb 27 3/16/1839
Morton, Alexander Sr. of Concord Church, Miss Mary G. of Kirby Kirby   15th inst 3/31/1838
Moulton, Nathaniel of Cabot Holt, Miss Emeline M. of Cabot Cabot   May 30 6/8/1839
Newell, Absalom of Stockbridge Cooper, Miss Mary M. of Rochester Rochester  Jan 8 1/26/1839
Newell, Foster Colby, Miss Hannah S. Danville   Wed last 6/24/1833
Newton, Rev. Benjamin B. Smith, Miss Harriet Mariah of Hon John Smith St Albans 11/30/1835
Nichols, Francis K. Esq. Boynton, Miss Frances M. Perkinsville 1/28/1833
Niles, John H. of Wheelock Mears, Miss Arabelle R. of Danville Danville  20th inst 2/23/1838
Noyes, Barnard H. of Wheelock Hubbard, Sarah of Wheelock Wheelock  4th inst 7/27/1839
O'Brian, John Mack, Miss Bridget St Johnsbury 25th ult 11/7/1840
O'Callaghan, Timothy Lawson, Miss Martha Montpelier 8/26/1833
Olmstead, Salmon of Fairfield West, Miss Betsey P. Sheldon 1/27/1834
Olmstead, Samuel J. of Lebanon, NH Hatch, Miss Jerusha R. of Chelsea Chelsea 3/16/1835
Page, Casper of Greensboro Alger, Miss Emily A. of Montpelier Montpelier 3/11/1833
Page, Chauncy L. of Rochester  Newton, Miss Mary of Rochester Rochester  Dec 30 1/26/1839
Page, Job W. of Danville Wheeler, Miss Betsey of Danville St Johnsbury  21st ult 11/3/1838
Page, Phineas of St J. Lamb, Mrs. Jacintha of Burke Burke  June 10 6/27/1840
Palmer, A. W.  Collins, Miss Sylvia Monkton 3/4/1833
Palmer, William B. of Glover Benton, Miss Orpha L. of Barton Barton  July 16 7/25/1840
Parks, Nelson of Whitehall, NY Bullock, Miss Esther of Fairhaven Fairhaven 1/28/1833
Parmelee, Dan S. of Waterford, NY Scott, Miss Cyrese of Bristol Bristol 2/18/1833
Patterson, Samuel of Thornton, NH Leonard, Widow Ann of Walden Walden   11/2/1835
Paul, Adams of Tinmouth Butts, Miss Eleanor of Middletown Middletown 2/18/1833
Paul, Hosea Esq. Gamble, Miss Ellen Canaan, VT 4/8/1833
Pearson, William C. of Sherbrooke, LC Bradley, Miss Harriet N. of Danville Danville ?    25th ult 5/5/1838
Peck, Josiah Bushel, Miss Aurelia Washington  Aug 17 9/29/1834
Perkins, George R. of Wheelock Morrill, Miss Mary Ann of Danville Danville 3/24/1834
Perry, Adolphus Grant, Miss Abigail Cabot 4/13/1835
Perry, Ezra of Perry Village, NY Cook, Mrs. Cynthia S. of Danville Danville  16th inst 8/29/1840
Philip, John H. MD of Valatia, NY Woodward, Miss Lucina B. Castleton 7/1/1833
Pierce, Charles K.  Barker, Miss Sally of Geo. P. Barker St Johnsbury Sept 28 10/3/1840
Pollard, Lyman Gleason, Miss Marietta Waterbury 4/22/1833
Pope, Henry P. Chapman, Miss Sophronia Danville  Jan 1 1/9/1837
Pope, Hiram Martin, Miss Amanda K. Danville   9th inst 11/17/1834
Pope, John L. of Hardwick Page, Miss Eliza B. of Danville Danville  21st inst 10/26/1835
Porter, Augustus of Cambridge, NY Ellis, Miss Sarah Z. Woodstock 11/11/1833
Porter, J. S.  Emerson, Miss Sarah Ann Danville 11/4/1833
Porter, James S. of Wheelock Hill, Miss Mary S. of Danville Danville    19th ult 5/8/1837
Porter, Rufus Davenport, Miss Esther M. Danville  10th ult 6/29/1835
Powers, Blake of Waterford Kent, Miss Betsey Concord  23d ult 4/11/1836
Pratt, Charles of Salisbury Heath, Miss Rebecca of Middlebury Middlebury 2/18/1833
Prentiss, William A. Esq. of Jericho Sands, Miss Eliza Keeseville, NY 9/30/1833
Prime, Henry H.  Hazeltine, Miss Wealthy Bristol 2/18/1833
Prindle, Gilbert B.  Lampson, Miss Henriette Poultney 2/18/1833
Randall, Daniel age 50 Lowell, Miss Elizabeth age 17 Ripley, ME 8/19/1833
Randall, Nathaniel of Brockport, NY Briggs, Miss Miranda Woodstock 7/28/1834
Rankin, Asa K. of Danville & ILL Rowell, Miss Mindwell of Littleton Littleton, NH 6/15/1839
Ransom, Daniel Lake, Miss Lucy E. S. Woodstock 8/3/1835
Ransom, James of Goshen Gore Rowell, Mrs. Nancy of Walden Walden  Dec 30 2/16/1839
Ransom, Joshua of Walden Lowell, Miss Mary of Walden Walden   1/27/1838
Ransom, Pearly S. of Goshen Gore Weed, Miss Olive T. of Topsham Topsham 7/29/1833
Reed, Josiah W.  age 42 Warner, Miss Lucina   age 12 Rowe 5/6/1833
Reid, Liveus E. of Monkton Burroughs, Miss Lodeiska E. of Ferrisburg Ferrisburg 4/1/1833
Reynolds, Hon Harmon G. of Ill Thompson, Miss Louisa of Joel Thompson Hampton, Ill Oct 18 12/5/1840
Richards, Henry Patterson, Miss Mary Ann Castleton 4/22/1833
Richardson, Ahira S. Bancroft, Miss Mary Ann Waterbury 9/16/1833
Richardson, Asa of Orange Mowe, Miss Sally Peacham 4/1/1833
Richardson, Neilson Gentleman, Miss Hannah Topsham 1/5/1835
Riker, George P. Cadwell, Miss Lucy Ann Montpelier 4/28/1834
Robbins, Alvin of Derby  Merrill, Miss Laura S. of Brownington Brownington  March 8 4/18/1836
Robbins, Guy E. Hinman, Miss Mary Ann Derby 4/1/1833
Robertson, William Jr. Martin, Miss Mary E. Brattleboro 7/28/1834
Robins, Isaac of Derby Morrill, Mrs. Sally K. of Danville Danville  7th inst 11/14/1836
Robinson, Albro L. of Bethlehem, NH Smith, Miss Laura R. of Brownington Brownington  Jan 8 1/26/1839
Rogers, William Wheeler, Miss Sarah Ann Danville ?   24th 3/30/1839
Rollings, Benjamin of Danville Ward, Miss Catherine of Goshen Gore Goshen Gore  22nd 12/30/1833
Rollins, Jacob of Greensboro Langmaid, Miss Hannah W. of Danville Danville   2d inst 9/7/1839
Rollins, William D. of Bath, NH Hale, Miss Mary S. Waterford 12/16/1833
Root, Edward F. of Wheelock Matherson, Miss Eliza Ann of Lyndon Lyndon 5/23/1840
Russell, Ira Heath, Miss Laura Danville   1st inst 4/10/1837
Sabin, Elisha L.  Dana, Miss Elizabeth S. Woodstock 1/5/1835
Safford, Orson  Worthen, Miss Submit Cambridge 2/2/1835
Sampier, Peter of Potton, LC Preston, Miss Betsey of Peacham Peacham  30th ult 4/4/1840
Sanborn, Cyrus Foss, Miss Chastina Hardwick 9/21/1835
Sanborn, Israel Burton, Miss Percy Hardwick 12/16/1833
Sanborn, Jonathan M. Sherburn, Miss Hannah Wheelock  20th ult 5/8/1837
Sanborn, Trustram of Peacham Clark, Miss Lucinda of Peacham Peacham  8th inst 12/25/1840
Sanborn, William  Livingston, Miss Martha S.  Peacham 4/1/1833
Sargent, Jabez Esq. Prescott, Mrs. Mary Windsor 5/6/1833
Schneider, Rev. Benjamin Abbot, Miss Eliza C. Framingham, MA 11/4/1833
Scott, George W. of Montpelier Langdon, Miss Jennette H. Berlin 5/26/1834
Scott, Phineas of Lyndon Brown, Miss Hannah of Wheelock Wheelock 4/29/1833
Scribner, Chelace of Woodbury Daily, Miss Nancy of Calais Calais  6th inst 1/18/1837
Shattuck, Fa(bi)us of Danville Farnsworth, Miss Melissa I. of Danville Danville  23d inst 9/29/1838
Shattuck, Samuel of Danville Lockie, Miss Jane of Danville Danville  July 12 7/18/1840
Shearer, George of Barnet Carter, Elizabeth of Barnet Barnet 12/1/1834
Shedd, James A. Esq. Adams, Miss Eunice Augusta Dayton, OH  Jan 1 2/4/1833
Shelden, Charles of Barnet Kittredge, Miss Luthera of Danville Danville 12/19/1836
Sheldon, Charles of Barnet Kittredge, Miss Luthera of Danville Danville 1/16/1837
Shep(t)on, James S. of Brandon Coleman, Miss Emma of Royalton Royalton  Oct 30 1/26/1839
Shepard, Scott of Danville Goodwin, Miss Abigail of Danville Danville    6th inst 3/14/1836
Shepard, Walter J. of Manchester Jones, Miss Ellen Windsor 1/14/1833
Sherman, David of Croydan, NH Wilson, Miss Hepsibah of Danville Danville  13th ult 2/8/1840
Shonyaw, Meshael of Danville Hill, Miss Lucy Ann of Danville Danville  March 9 3/31/1834
Sias, Jeremiah S. of Danville Sargeant, Miss Harriet M. of St J St Johnsbury 2/3/1834
Sias, Marshall of Derby Cummings, Miss Susan of Salem Salem 11/10/1834
Skeele, Asa Esq. Hand, Miss Jenett Peacham  17th inst 12/23/1833
Skeele, Timothy C.  Eaton, Miss Florella Danville   4th inst 6/8/1835
Skinner, James S. MD Vail, Miss Julia Ann Worcester 1/28/1833
Skinner, Lewis Fuller, Miss Mary    Chelsea 3/11/1833
Sleeper, John Esq. of Newark Leavenworth, Mrs. Martha of Danville Danville  11th inst 11/14/1840
Smith, Asa K. of RI Grow, Eliza S. of Dr. Samuel Grow of Brownington Brownington 3/17/1834
Smith, E. D. of Peacham Porter, Miss Ann of Troy Troy   May 1 5/19/1838
Smith, Elder Gordon K. of Meredith, NH Sherburn, Miss Eliza of Wheelock Wheelock  Sept 3 9/15/1838
Smith, Harris of Sheffield Walker, Miss Adaline R. Lyndon 12/8/1834
Smith, Hiram H. of Granville, NY Dennison, Miss Frances D. of Woodstock Woodstock 1/28/1833
Smith, Hiram of Sudbury Vicegerry, Miss Hannah C of New Haven New Haven 11/18/1833
Smith, James S. of Cabot Betton, Mrs. Mary L. of Cabot Peacham 12/16/1833
Smith, Moody King, Miss Sally H. Tunbridge 5/13/1833
Smith, N. P. Thompson, Miss Laura Tunbridge 3/11/1833
Smith, Ozias of Rutland Morton, Miss Innocence P. of Castleton Castleton 4/22/1833
Somers, Ephraim Dixon, Miss Mary Barnet 3/11/1833
Soper, George of ST J Crane, Miss Abigail of Danville Danville ? 1/6/1838
Spalding, Azel Esq. of Montpelier Wainwright, Miss Maria Theresa Middlebury 7/28/1834
Spalding, Levi  Cadwell, Miss Julia A. Montpelier 10/28/1833
Spaulding, Effingham W. of Danville Stearns, Miss Laura of St Johnsbury St Johnsbury Dec 5 1/9/1837
Spaulding, Elhanan W. of Roxbury, VT Damon, Miss Sally of Kirby Kirby  18th inst 4/28/1838
Spaulding, Ryland N. of Wethersfield Worcester, Miss Almira Windsor 1/28/1833
Spencer, Chester C.  Stevens, Miss Elexia of John G. B. Stevens Esq. Burke   23d ult 4/3/1837
Squier, John Esq. of Wethersfield Kendall, Miss Louisa Ann of Reading Felchville 2/18/1833
Stanton, Jacob S.  G(ree)n, Miss Laura N. Danville  14th inst 2/23/1839
Stanton, Wm J. Esq. of N. Danville Varney, Miss Susan of N. Danville N. Danville 16th inst 9/26/1840
Steele, Horace Esq. of Buffalo, NY Spencer, Mrs. Lovina Hartford, OH 7/29/1833
Stevens, Pardon of Montpelier Ripley, Miss Sophronia Barre 2/2/1835
Stevens, Samuel Burt, Miss Fanny M. Danville   16th inst 2/23/1835
Stewart, Thomas C. Brigham, Miss Emily Brownington 7/22/1833
Stiles, Jonas G. of Kirby Milliken, Miss Louisa M. of Kirby Kirby  19th ult 2/1/1840
Stocker, Rev John of Danville Ripley, Miss Elizabeth of Middlebury Middlebury 7/14/1834
Stone, Christopher A. Stafford, Miss Sylvia Danby 2/18/1833
Stone, Walter Samson, Miss Mary Cabot 1/5/1835
Strobridge, William Jr. of Barnet Cameron, Miss Effa of Peacham Danville   Oct 1 10/6/1834
Stuart, Capt Seth W. of Peacham Harvey, Miss Sally of Peacham Peacham ?   30th ult 2/9/1839
Sturdivant, John of Fairfield Sturdivant, Miss Abigail of Weybridge Weybridge 3/4/1833
Sturtevant, Isaac D. of Danville Sommers, Miss Susan of Barnet Barnet 12/15/1834
Sulham, Jacob W. of Newbury Sulham, Miss Betsey L. of Montpelier Thornton, NH 1/14/1833
Sweeney, Robert Esq. of Montreal Temple, Miss Charlotte of Rutland Rutland 9/30/1833
Sweetser, Gordin of Sheffield Libby, Miss Electa of Sheffield Sheffield  29th ult 7/18/1840
Taplin, Guy C. Cady, Miss S. M.  Montpelier 1/28/1833
Taplin, Horatio N. of Montpelier Lovewell, Miss Harriet of Corinth Corinth 10/21/1833
Taylor, Daniel Jr. of Waitsfield Courser, Miss Rachel Montpelier 2/11/1833
Taylor, George W. of Danville Lane, Miss Loretta S. of Plainfield Danville 4/3/1837
Thayer, Henry L. Cox, Miss Mary Ann Danville  19th inst 5/23/1839
Thayer, Lewis W. Clement, Miss Hannah M. Danville   23d ult 2/2/1839
Thompson, Charles E. of Alabama Olcott, Miss Mary of Hanover, NH Hanover, NH 6/8/1835
Thompson, Lucius of Bristol Bacon, Miss Esther Ann of Weybridge Weybridge 3/4/1833
Thomson, Dan Andrews, Miss Sarah Montpelier 11/10/1834
Tinker, John of Morristown Ransom, Miss Hope Stow 1/5/1835
Torrey, Hubbell B. Shepard, Miss Mary Ann Georgia 7/8/1833
Tunny, Thomas Doan, Miss Eleanor St Albans 3/4/1833
Underwood, Erastus of Danville Holmes, Miss Elizabeth S. of Boston Boston   Sept 3 9/30/1833
Underwood, Erastus of Danville Martin, Miss Sarah D. of Philadelphia Philadelphia  March 4 5/5/1838
Vail, Solon J. Y. of Montpelier Sias, Miss Sally of Danville Danville  26th inst 12/30/1833
Varney, Charles  Wetherbee, Miss Madaline Danville 3/24/1834
Varnum, Simon B. of Peacham Cahill, Miss Mary of Peacham Peacham  31st ult 8/8/1836
Varnum, William Esq. of Peacham Chandler, Miss Mehitable of Peacham Peacham   22d inst 1/30/1837
Vilas, W. R. Esq. of Burlington Noyes, Miss Mary Hydepark 8/11/1834
Vincent, Stephen of Chelsea Hale, Miss Phoebe of Chelsea Williamstown 12/16/1833
Walbridge, Capt. John of Calais Wilson, Miss Caroline of Cabot Cabot  June 12 6/30/1834
Walker, Benjamin F. of Barre Howard, Miss Diana Montpelier 1/28/1833
Walker, Cordilla Woodbury, Miss Merilla Morristown 6/17/1833
Walker, Dana of Benson Walker, Miss Hannah of Bridgewater Bridgewater 9/30/1833
Walker, Moses T. of Troy, VT Bell, Miss Eunice of Hon James Bell of Walden Walden       3/16/1835
Wallace, John P. Dodge, Miss Mary Montpelier 4/22/1833
Wallace, Robert Stearns, Miss Rebecca Cambridge 2/2/1835
Walton, Joseph S. of Montpelier Southmayd, Miss Esther W. Castleton 4/1/1833
Walworth, Daniel P. of Coventry Bartholomew, Miss Mary Washington 3/23/1835
Ward, Hiram of Danville Cutler, Mrs. Sarah P. of Danville Danville  2d inst 2/8/1840
Ward, Samuel Bell, Miss Adaline Hardwick  4th inst 7/13/1839
Ware, Gardner W. of Danville Standish, Miss Susan  Montpelier 10/28/1833
Warner, John A. of Duxbury Haseltine, Miss Bashaby of Moretown Moretown 4/22/1833
Washburn, Alphonzo G. of Windsor Upham, Miss Sarah A. Wethersfield 11/4/1833
Wat(bergs), Thomas Dwyer, Miss Anna Salem  Jan 20 2/23/1838
Waterman, Capt John C. of Norwich Eastman, Miss Sarah Thetford 6/24/1833
Way, Nathan of Sutton Newell, Miss Maria D. of Burke Burke  1st inst 6/20/1840
Webb, Barnabas of Barre Blanchard, Miss Sarah of Orange Orange 5/20/1833
Webb, Lucius R. of Guildhall Grennel, Miss Cornelia P. of Maidstone Maidstone 1/28/1833
Webber, Levi of Hardwick White, Mrs. Lucy of Walden Walden 4/10/1837
Webster, Mark C. of St J. Gilman, Miss Cynthia Marshfield  Sept 22 10/3/1840
Weeks, Harrison  Ward, Miss Betsey Danville   23d ult 4/11/1836
Weeks, John P. of Danville Ward, Miss Abigail P. of Danville Danville  March 25 3/31/1834
Weeks, Lorenzo L. McGaffey, Miss Betsey Lyndon  10th inst 6/16/1838
Welch, Hendrick of Sheffield Randall, Miss Eleanor Lyndon 12/8/1834
Wellington, Levi S. of Montpelier Buzzell, Miss Mary Eliza of Northfield Northfield 8/19/1833
Wells, Arad of Danville Swazey, Miss Betsey of Danville Danville 1/6/1834
Wells, George G. of Peacham Clefford, Miss Martha E. of Danville Danville   17th inst 5/23/1840
Wells, Mervin H. Bingham, Miss Harriet L. Peacham   8th inst 8/17/1839
Wesson, Anson F. of Danville Stickney, Miss Harriet B. of Lunenburg Lunenburg  6th inst 4/25/1840
West, Benjamin D.  Knapp, Miss Mary Ann dau of Peter Knapp St Johnsbury March 29 4/4/1840
West, Charles of Hookset, NH Fairbanks, Miss Laminda Barnet 11/10/1834
West, Thomas H. of Hardwick Beedle, Miss Mariah of Woodbury Hardwick 8/3/1835
Wetherbee, Comfort of Deedham Fisher, Miss Unity of Walpole Walpole 12/5/1836
Wheeler, Alden of Derby Carpenter, Miss Emeline of Derby Derby   Feb 16 2/27/1837
Wheeler, Hiram A. of St Johnsbury Winter, Miss Fimelia of St Johnsbury St Johnsbury 1/20/1834
Wheeler, Nathan of Derby Baxter, Miss Maria M. of Rev. E. B. Baxter Walden  30th ult 4/17/1837
Wheelock, John S. of Moriah, NY Sinclear, Miss Elvira Montpelier 1/27/1834
White, Addison Hibbard, Mrs. Maria Walden 9/14/1835
Whitelaw, William T. of Ryegate Morse, Miss Lucy W. of Peacham Peacham  30th ult 5/4/1835
Whitlock, John A. Sandford, Miss Laura Castleton 1/14/1833
Whitmore, Earl D. Emerson, Mrs. Elbra Brandon 1/14/1833
Wiggins, Silas Blanchard, Miss Dolly Sutton 7/8/1833
Willard, Samuel of Sheffield Gray, Miss Margaret of Sheffield Sheffield 2/16/1835
Willey, Samuel Beale, Miss Ann Peacham 1/20/1834
Williams, Asa W. Bickford, Miss Betsy B. Sheffield 12/12/1836
Winch, Albert MD of Whitefield Wilder, Miss Harriet of Bethlehem, NH Bethlehem, NH 3/26/1836
Wing, Joseph A. Esq. of Plainfield Webster, Miss Cemantha of Cabot Cabot  1st inst 1/11/1840
Winn, Charles of Danville Tice, Miss Hannah of Danville Danville   22d inst 3/27/1837
Winnek, John Jr. of Royalton Fuller, Miss Mary of Keesville, NY Keesville, NY 3/11/1833
Witcher, John Fox, Miss Mary Ann Fairfield 11/11/1833
Wolcott, Ira Tyler, Miss Lucy Marshfield 4/8/1833
Wood, Cornelius E. of Milton Strong, Miss Lydia of New Haven Georgia 7/8/1833
Woodford, Henry E. Martin, Miss Catherine A. Hydepark 8/26/1833
Woods, Stevens of Waterbury Slapp, Miss Martha P. of Danville Danville  21st inst 5/26/1838
Woolson, William Proctor, Miss Mary Burlington 8/26/1833
Worcester, Leonard of Hanover, NH Carpenter, Miss Minerva A. of Sharon Sharon 8/3/1835
Worcester, Rev John H. of St J. Strong, Miss Harriet E. of Dea. E. Strong Hardwick   12/12/1840
Worchester, Capt. Lucius T.  Savage, Miss Eliza Windsor 5/6/1833
Wough, Robert Bush, Miss Anna Greensboro 6/3/1833
Wright, Larnard M. Pierce, Miss Nancy St Johnsbury 5/13/1833
Wright, Philander of St J. Batchelder, Miss Betsey of Danville N. Danville  7th inst 6/16/1838
Young, Elder Zebina of Sheffield Meigs, Miss Sally of Lyndon Sheffield 12/12/1836
Young, Nehemiah Bennett, Miss Mehitable M. ST Johnsbury 15th inst 9/28/1839

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