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of Vermont

School Alumni

Alice (Gilman) Randall

Lyndon Institute
Class of 1967

Northeast Kingdom Genealogy

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Alice (Gilman) Randall

TROY - A much loved and notoriously hardwork­ing farm woman died last week in a tractor accident. Alice Randall of Troy was killed when the tractor she was driving to push silage fell into a hole, and she fell off, the tractor running over her. Missisquoi Valley Ambulance was called and they requested a helicopter, Ms. Randall’s husband, Dexter Randall, said. "She was airlifted right from the farm to UVM Medical Center, but her heart stopped on the way." He said the details of the accident are not precise. "I wasn't there to witness it, nobody was." But, he said, she was on a 105 horse­power tractor in the silo and was backing out on the left hand side with not a huge amount of silage in the silo yet.


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